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Tinkering with Batari

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1k Javascript programs

I stumbled upon this site one day when I was trying to find minimalist game design contests.   http://js1k.com/   Javascript programs with <= 1K of code. Some with amazing graphics and the few games some have decent gameplay. One even plays Spider Solitaire. Another is a gravity game where you fire a rocket from one planet, and try to land it on another using gravity of the various bodies to guide it.   Now the data on many of these exceeds 1K. So it's not CODE + DATA <=1024 bu



maze of moving rooms...

...filled with traps and foes. Current half-project of mine. Not worth forum posting yet, because it's still far from a half-way enjoyable demo. Attached is the bin and the code. As of now, I want to remove the pit trap, because it's an HP based game, so a final death like a pit might not be such a good idea. On the other hand, it is the easiest to avoid (so far), so maybe it should kill you. Only two traps so far. Laser and pit. There is an escape hatch in one room. Eventually, you wi



Use a Notebook and pencil

I got back into coding after porting "Castle" from David Ahl's Creative Computing magazine to QuiteBasic. An excellent classic BASIC interpreter written in Javascript. Here's my game: Castle   Something I learned, at least for me, is that I can't code directly to the computer from scratch. I need a notebook. I need to be away from the computer, where there's no pressure to achieve a great deal and have a working program right off the bat. I got familiar with QuiteBasic, wrote a few simple



mopey dopey

I drew a tall character with visual bb the other day, looking for inspiration. It's easy to be inspired, hard to do anything with it. Anyway, I put him/her/it up for sharing, maybe it'll inspire someone else. The code is public domain.



Batari Hardware collision 30fps flicker

I had a problem for a while figuring out what to do about making my flickering sprites collide properly. Using odd frame, even frame, I found that only sprites on the same frame could collide. So I varied my flickering with one sprite alternating frames, and the other doing two frames in a row. Attached is the code and a binary. You drive sprites A and B. C and D will wrap around the vertical edges. If you touch C or D, one of your sprites will die and turn into a skull, the other will kee



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