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Redoing some old Atari graphics..

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From: Excellent Early 80's series on microcomputers from the BBC

Source: Excellent Early 80's series on microcomputers from the BBC   It is a wonderful TV series - I videotaped a lot of it. But my videomachines have died on me and have not got a working replacement. It's quirky cartoons are more interesting to me, than South Park, or Family Guy, etc.   Harvey



Update of WIP - of current project - which is AtariBLAST!

I don't think my blog is read much at all, so I'm more keen to post an update here rather than in the main forum section...   As at 20th June 2015 - AtariBLAST! has reached a new level of achievements within it - it has been a long time since the last semi-official release of a demo - which was only of the Zaxxon like horizontal scrolling level working. 2 other horizontal scrolling levels were also completed - but not shown anywhere.   Just as graphics from Hawkquest - were used and updated



2014 Xmas blog - bah - humbug!....

Here is a Xmas rant... for those who value truth above all else... or how to obtain world peace, etc etc...   Religious mantras - as shouted out, etc by followers/believers are false in nature - and cannot ever be real, etc etc..   A muslim terrorist blows himself up - shouting "God is Great!" - also killing others - only convincing others - that it is a false message, said by someone religiously programmed to become a murderer.   Along the same lines - what Christians believe in or are



Starting this blog ...

I am wanting to recreate some old Graphics I've done, previously using the Atari 800 computer - but lack the necessary tool to do so. I think it was AtariArtist I used, to obtain the data for the 100s of plot and drawto coordinates required, to have the computer drawing a picture for me. ie. To then write a simple BASIC program, that would then use those coordinates to draw the picture. I have done - the computer drawing a beautiful woman, itself (the Atari 800) and a lighthouse. These are at Yo



Ideas and concepts - is really what I am into...

This topic has nothing to do with videogame design, etc etc - and is about who I am... etc...   This blog (and it's comments - couldn't find how to add another blog entry?) is really about using your brain and to work things out for yourself too. That those who are after the truth about anything and everything - should be able to agree on certain concepts, etc which hold true, no matter what. The truth is all around us - yet we are always held down by old outdated ideas, etc etc that should



Kiwilove's Blog - Proper start to it

First a run down of what people may already know about me?   Firstly - I only designed the graphics for the projects I worked with on. The first game being Laser Hawk - which was 'Hot Copter' - that was Andrew's title for it - but Red Rat wanted something hotter - namely Laser Hawk. That Hot Copter got distributed around, ie. passed around was due to Red Rat's own lack of security - and I was very particular about the security of the demo copy of Hot Copter. I did not work on the sound effe



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