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I'll write about whatever I bloody like on any given day!

Entries in this blog

Time to make some Enemies!

Reading fellow member Mili's blog made me realize that the Politics and Religion ban doesn't extend to my personal blog. So I'm going to vent!   For the most part, I'm a fairly left-leaning guy who doesn't like the fact that both the United States and Canada are drifting steadily further to the right. Part of the problem for me is that the political right doesn't even stand for the things it was conceived to stand for historically. If you've taken any Political Science courses at school, yo



3DS Impressions

I was at EB Games today, and there happened to be a Nintendo employee on-site demoing the Nintendo 3DS. I got to try it out and play with it with my girlfriend for about 20 minutes, and I must say, I was surprised.   Build Quality: Color me impressed. The 3DS fixes everything I hated about the DS Lite and its incremental successors. The buttons are fantastic. They are tight and clicky, like those on the Game Boy Advance SP. The D-Pad is a little awkwardly positioned to make room for the



First blog post in nearly a year

I am severely depressed today. That is all. Lonely I guess. I wonder if I wasted my time neglecting the social side of university. And I wonder if I really give my girlfriend the love she deserves. I wonder if I can.   I have few vices. I have never smoked, never done drugs, drink in moderation, and don't overspend. But have I lived? Will I ever live? Am in the right place? Or do I just collect more and more games to fill a hole I never learned to fill with people?



The FPS Kick

Like many of you (well, at least a few of you), I am of the opinion that there are way too many First Person Shooters coming out these days. Taken on their own, a fair amount of them are good games - hell, some are outright modern day classics. But I can't be alone in thinking we've played through World War II enough times already, be it literally (Medal of Honor, Call of Duty) or metaphorically (I'm looking at you, Halo).   The newest FPS I've given a fair shake is Half Life 2, and only in



Early Impressions with the PS3

It may not seem like it here on AtariAge, but for the average person, I've got a lot of game consoles. For example, I'm the only person I know in the offline space that still has every Nintendo console currently plugged into the TV, including a Game Boy Player. So when people come to my apartment to visit and they see my entertainment setup, they're either impressed or disturbed.   For the last year and a half I've had an Xbox 360 and I'm happy to report that it hasn't malfunctioned in the l




Badassery is the nominalized verb of the adjective badass. This is to say, badassery is the state of a person, place or thing that is badass.   I am home for my birthday for the first time since I went to university. And I will remain home for nearly a month.   That is badassery.



Greetings from the Wee Hours of the Morning

You know, I actually forgot that I had a blog here on AtariAge. After all, I'm not exactly writing for an audience here. Mostly I'm just putting words on paper (err, screen) for the sake of my own personal amusement. Some days I just type to see how high I can get my WPM (and when I really get going I can do about 90 now, Mario Teaches Typing told me so!).   Perhaps I should make an effort to post more often. In any case, right now I'm replaying the Lego Star Wars games on my PS2, so there



Review: Super Dragonball Z

I'll go ahead and say that I own way too many Dragon Ball Z fighting games. I have acquired Budokai 2, Budokai 3, Tenkaichi 3, and now this lulzy piece of work. There is really no reason for all that sweaty anime fighter action to be sitting on my shelves; I am giving way too much of my money to Infogrames (I can't quite justify calling them Atari Inc.). On the bright side, I waited till this one off technical fighter dropped to five bucks at the local EB.   And you know what? I kinda like



Super Star Wars

I found this beauty at the local retro game store for ten dollars. Now I don't have to get it on Virtual Console!   Yeah, it was a great game, that's what I remember. Originally, I played Super Star Wars as a Windows 95 port, if such a thing ever existed. Maybe it was an unauthorized port, because I'm pretty sure this was before the heyday of ROMs and emulation.   But wait a mintute... I seem to recall something more sinister. Yes, I can't quite put my finger on it, but there was somethi



A true story

Boy sits in first grade class, crosses his legs, scratches his armpits. Uncomfortable. Hasn’t caused enough trouble today. Already finished the assigned exercise. Boy is finished before everyone else because he learned to read and write when he was one and a half. That gives him two or three years more practice than everyone else in the room. Boy doesn’t like that he’s the best reader because that makes him different from the other kids. Boy pretends he can’t read. Gets stuck on “cat,” “



Do not adjust your set: I am going insane

Alright, so not really. But on days like this, it certainly feels like it.   I am a writer by nature and by aspiration. I accept that these days on the internet that isn't saying much at all; in fact, it may actually be saying less than nothing. But that is what I am. A world builder; a voyager to lands only I can see. And thus far, I remain the only one that can see them, because I can't find the words as of late.   When I was a younger, more naive person, the words came far easier, be



Greetings from the Plutonian Imperiate

I have implied in posts several times before that I hail from Pluto. Try not to laugh. It's a touchy subject, having your planet demoted to "dwarf" status. What exactly does that entail? Do a bunch of 3-piece suits with all the appropriate paperwork show up on your planet one day and tell you to get off? Are we suddenly represented by less Members of Solar Parliament? Is our garbage collection demoted to a bi-weekly schedule? Surely nobody thought of these questions when the decision was



I Have Proof that Undermines the Standard Model

Much fuss was raised about a year ago when the Large Hadron Collider was getting ready to activate and perform experiments. As many will know, its primary intended purpose was to orchestrate and monitor subatomic particle collisions in a controlled environment, with the ultimate goal of discovering the Higgs Boson: the only particle predicted by the Standard Model that has not yet been directly observed. Some feared that upon activation, the LHC would generate a black hole that could destroy t



Short Fiction: Emergency Observatory Protocol

Unpredictable rogue asteroids are, essentially, all asteroids, because all of the independent astronomers and government-funded organizations in the world trying to keep track of every stray bit left over from the birth of the solar system amounts to little better than one wayward bum looking through all the dumpsters in New York for a Christmas card somebody threw out without remembering to remove the money. Millions of space rocks cross Earth’s orbit regularly - the most comprehensive catalog



Fable III

Fable III was announced just a few short days ago, and I am under the impression that Microsoft wanted very badly for me to be excited about it. After all, they have just lost one key advantage they held over Sony, that being console price.   From what I've read, the basic idea is that you'll be playing as the son/daughter of your hero from Fable II, and that you will become the leader of Albion. Despite Peter Molyneux's tendency to make big promises about his upcoming games and then fall ju



Things I have learned from RPGs

1: If it doesn't involve saving the world, there's no reason to bother with it. 2: All you really need to have a town is an inn, a pub, and a shop. Townspeople are content to wander around as homeless vagrants for the duration of their existence. 3: Those same townsfolk have all the patience in the world. If you missed what they were saying, they'll repeat it as many times as you like 4: Heroes never, ever have to go to the bathroom. It is a standard to which we should all aspire. 5: Gods




I have found myself without my significant other for roughly a week and a half, so outside work, I've had little to do. By some divine prank, I have also recently purchased the biggest time-sink of a video game this side of World of Warcraft, being The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I've had the game less than a week and I've already lost more than thirty hours to it, and I think that alone serves as faithful testament to the game's dangerously addictive nature.   Here is my experience with it



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