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Regarding Rotary Controllers

Just in case people are sitting on the fence over getting one, I would recommend that you source one with at least 72 clicks per spin (ie, Chaos Reigns)   The game will allow you to calibrate to whatever you get, but higher is better.   As for button/rocker - I can't comment. I don't own one of the rocker type controllers, so it's not been tested with it. It looks like it works ok with tempest, but the controls are significantly different for Rebooteroids. You have to hold a button for thru



Zoom! Zoom!

Spent some time this week optimizing the code a bit more. This has resulted in MOAR BULLETS which makes the game a lot more fun, as I have increased the fire rate for the ship dramatically.   It's also allowed me to add zooming scores that fly up off the explosions as you rack up points, which looks really nice and gives the screen a more action packed feeling. Plus it was very nice to get some new artwork from the sparehead three, who has been understandably busy recently.   More changes



Fear the mad ROMblings

Phew... long weekend with Roids with nothing 'new' to show for it, but a complete rewrite of the asset I/O subsystem and the file data structures.   Begone, all the 'work' folders with stupid names... Begone, all the data files that are not used anymore... To use a phrase from our website "A new brush sweeps clean and all that" - and now we can progress much more easily.   Things are much nicer to work with now - these changes were also required to enable the CD asset loader which will allow



Outlining the ups and downs

I'm finally getting back into doing some more work on Roids, and spent some time today working on some more powerups.   So, today we have the all new Dual Shot, Triple Shot and Rear Shot powerups. I'm also considering a "Death Blossom" powerup which when activated will spin around firing randomly, and then leave your ship powered down, drifting and unable to move or fire for a short period. I need to plan this one out a bit more though, because I don't want to use any extra buttons for the



Sidetracked and stuff

Wow, three weeks since I posted anything. What's been going on?   I did start work on the Challenges screen for Rebooteroids, and actually got it working so you could move around it, both with a Jaguar pad and also a rotary controller. And then we got sidetracked. Twice. Or possibly three times.   The first sidetrack resulted in what could be a fun multiplayer game should we ever finish it, and also some rather nice libraries for us to use in the future.   The second sidetrack was a return



Top 31 Homebrew

1up did a nice roundup of homebrew games here.   Lots of multiplatform hombrew fun, congratulations to everyone on that list! It's an honour for one of our games to be one of the two Jaguar titles mentioned. I would personally have selected Superfly DX over Downfall, but I won't complain!   Today is a good day



Coding on a dinosaur

Spent some time this week working on something that wasn't Rebooteroids. It's going quite well. We've even got a nice new logo for it. Maybe I should get some mugs made at cafepress? Oh that's right, we make games not f*&F^Cing mugs, I forgot.   Anyway, this will be a big game changer for us. Happy times.



...Twisty, Turney, Timey, Whiney

Most definitely "whine", With that spelling.   Yes, Doctor Who is back! Yes Steven Moffat delivered again! Yes, We have to wait till next week to find out what happens next. But that is not the twisty, turney things I'm talking about. And, unlike the current season of Doctor Who, "Silence will NOT fall" on the progress of our new game.   Rotaries - what fun they are. Ever tried to write a user interface that needs UP and DOWN with one tho? We've let a few people play the build we previewed




Easter weekend, never a good thing when it comes to coding. Many eggs were found and consumed. Yumm. Anyway, back to the coding accompanied by "All You Need Is Now" which I finally picked up on CD.   I said last time I'd discuss the game features... well, since then SH3 has put up a placeholder webpage for the game on our site. You can find that here.   Here's what the webpage has to say on the "In Depth" - I'll try to add some more text about each below:   Rotary control *COMPLETE*  



...and so it began

So, flashback, if you will, to a time last around the middle of last year. We'd just released Superfly DX and were feeling pretty good about things, but also wondering what to do next.   We threw several ideas around, including maybe going back to Project One. Now, this might sound like a good idea, but to be honest there were several huge barriers preventing this from happening - barriers that to a certain extent still exist today.   One of the issues is with the bullets. They never did qui



Whoohoo! A blog!

Well, you may or may not have heard about the little group of developers I'm a part of called Reboot. Anyway, we've been making some new games recently for the Atari Jaguar.   Last weekend we released a new mini game called "Downfall" - which you can read all about here.   At the same event that this was released (AC11 in France) we also previewed one of the other games we've been working on, called Rebooteroids. You can see a video of this in action here - I plan on continuing to blog the p



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