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Maztr_0n/Meryl's Blog of Glob and mess, random thoughts and mindnesssssss madless.

I'm an "Adult"* who played an AtGames flashback at 11 so somehow has nostalgia for Atari enough to actually buy a 2600+ and start collecting games, hence why she's here, on atariage. She's kinda absent minded and wont shut up, so for everyone's sake. She made a blog for those interested in Blogs... Which are the closest demographic to tolerating this, Dont Expect Much... Dont have much to say and aren't willing to spill any HOT GOSS, so ya know, mainly daily annoyances about how "school is boring" and "how hard it is to get a retro game these days" or how "i really need to find newer musical artists that i like, i know todays music is so different from the past that there are hundreds of bands for literally every niche ever, but i'm too lazy to find them" or "the sun sucks" and MORE! Doesn't that just excite you? As long as her birth year of [See Spoiler] doesn't fill you with existential dread or perhaps if it is your thing then, welcome to the Young Folks messhall...



*Old Teenager

all in public to see

Entries in this blog

The Custom 2600/7800 Label Template Quest. Up to 2024/18/08.

Okay so ever since the 2600+ came out and my desire to want to be a part of the 2600/7800 community started, i came to the realization that obviously these days its extremely hard to get some of the more obscure or sought after 2600/7800 titles i wanted to play on my system without getting a custom cartridge, which honestly is really fun sounding! I can have my own copy of a game like "Red Sea Crossing" or prototypes like "Sinistar" and even hacks like "Wolfenstein 2600" with the exact kind of l

Dear AtariAge - my open resume

dear atariage i hear (or read on my shipping label) that you are in the austin area, i am also in the austin area, so being 100% serious and not joking i would like to work at your warehouses or your mystical magic machines that turn plastic and PCBs into dreams and homebrew game cartridges. experience my experience is... uhhhh.... i play cartridges all the time, but i promise not to steal any games, i will do my job properly and not steal I PROMISE NOT TO STEAL, yes... no stealin

Ikari Addiciton

Winners dont use drugs - US Government in the 80's You could say many jokes about THAT but i wont because this is hosted on a god damn atari video game forum. But remember how i mentioned Ikari and how i missed out on an auction for the 2600 version? Well once i graduated high school/equivalent, i got it as a graduation gift, and... I'm hooked, i bought the "Where did their hair go" song which you can get from AVGN's Couch Guy here, its different from the ikari review, but in many

The (Temporary) Atari 2600 Red Label template.

on the forums i made a little page asking about possible templates for the 2600 Red Label, sadly i dont think many were interested in that idea. Or just didnt see it or respond, but i shouldn't be so judgemental. Essentially what i did is take some red labels (from the AtariAge label guide) and put them in GIMP on a 1080P + 360 PPI project, downloaded the fonts stated by ChristopherD on the forums in 2001 to be from the Red Label games and just overlayed the letters over the original cart,
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