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The big unveiling



OK. So here's the deal. For the past six months or so, I've been working on writing a movie script. I don't really know why. I had this good idea for a movie and so I wanted to see if I could write a full-length feature film on my idea. I think I'm about half way done. I'm on page 47. It's called "Rabbit Turds In My Oatmeal." Here's a brief synopsis. Two cops get a call about a gun-wielding maniac, go over, maniac shoots and kills cop Scott, leaving his partner Frank partner-less. Frank goes home, fixes a plate of fried shrimp, discovers that one of the pieces of fried shrimp is his cop partner reincarnated. Laughter (hopefully) ensues. I've had this idea floating in my head for a number of years now, I haven't been active on writing on it for six months, I just work on it every now and then when the mood strikes. And now it's feedback time. View what I have so far and tell me if it's any good. I'll probably keep writing it anyway, but if it's crap, at least I'll know it's crap and not any good. This is the reason why I wanted the script-writing book for Christmas. My sister can rest easily because I'm using it whenever I have a question about something. Anyway, here's where you can download the script I have so far: http://www.atari2600land.com/rabbitturds/


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