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Three Months (And A Day) Ago...



[#016] ...the most perfect baby girl was born. it's been over 3 months since I've gone to my band's studio and rocked out. it's been over three months since programmed a game. it's been WAY over three months since my final cigarette and who knows the last time i had any alcohol. and i wouldn't have it any other way.


it doesn't matter how shitty my work day has been (and trust me, there's been some real stinkers lately), it's all worth it when i come home (and she's still awake) and my baby recognizes her daddy and squeals at me smiling.


i've already become that annoying guy that does nothing but talk about the latest thing his kid is doing. i stare at her pictures at work on my digital picture frame (i have about 30 pics on an SD card and there's room for plenty more). i am obsessed with my kid and obsessed with being her dad. i look forward to my off days more than ever, and it's not to sit in front of the TV. it's to suck on her fat little face, make her laugh, and keep her butt clean and her belly full.


Happy 3 Months, Madeleine!! XO




P.S. - i need to recommend the following product to parents everywhere: Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit. it's $40 on amazon and it not only makes your baby look like a puffy marshmallow (or like Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story), but it helps babies transition from being an "arms baby" to actually sleeping in their crib, and they stay asleep all night and wake up happy. i wish they came in adult sizes!



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I envy you every moment of it. My children are adults now. The youngest of the five is 15; the oldest 25. I was never the kind of dad you are; too young and self-absorbed when they were infants and toddlers to see what I was missing. But when I read your words, words of aching adoration and blazing inspiration, I feel a little bit of that magic stir inside me. I hope that great thing, now so apparently awakened in you, will be awakened in me for my grandchildren.

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