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IFA 1981

Thomas Jentzsch


blog-0627996001398959198.jpgWhile doing some research on my Atari 2600, I came to IFA 1981. It was that exhibition were I first played a game of Asteroids on the Atari 2600. And a few weeks or (months?) later I bought them both.


On the very same show, I accidentally stepped by a booth were I watched something completely new to me too. At that time I did not know where this came from, but a few years later I found out. :)



What I had watched was a from the beginning of 1st episode of this show (which I will not link here for obvious reasons).


Anyway, lately I found another link between the Atari 2600 and Electric Blue. Someone mentioned that they had reviewed Atari 2600 adult (of course!) games during a show. So had to do some pretty "exhaustive" research before I found the Playaround feature in episode 13 (around 35:20). Not public link here too.




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