No content purchases for July, though I did send PBS $60 (I've been watching a lot of their shows again) so I have $91 in savings for the month. Cummulative Savings is now at $2308 while the balance to pay off the hardware is down to $776.
Now that I'm adding Blu-ray content my Drobo is starting to fill up.
That might be of concern as the new TV season will be starting soon, but that WD 5TB Red drive ($250) I was wondering about back in February has finally been released! They've also released a 6TB version ($297) as well as a new Red Pro series that spins faster (7800 rpm) than the Red series (5400 rpm) for increased performance. The Red Pro are only available in 2, 3 and 4TB capacities at this time.
I debated to start using the Red Pro drives in the Drobo, as the next drive is going into an empty bay, but Drobo recommends not using drives with different rotational speeds.
For optimal performance, it’s best not to mix drives that have different rotational speeds (RPM). Faster spinning drives will maximize total system performance. Leveraging SSD technology for caching, tiering or as primary storage will provide the best performance when deployed as recommended.
So I'll most likely get the 6TB drive and keep the Red Pro in mind as I plan to get a second Drobo to connect to whatever I end up replacing my 2008 MacBook Pro with. I'd love it to be the new Mac Pro, but it'll most likely be a 2014 Mac mini.
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