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Windows 8 sucks



So my mom got a new laptop. She actually got it up and working and on the internet without my help. But GOD WINDOWS 8 SUCKS. I don't see the reason why Microsoft had to go and ruin everything and replace it with utter crap that is user-unfriendly and can't figure anything out with. If Windows X or whatever it's called does not fix this crap, my next computer might just be an Apple. I swear, is it just me or is technology getting harder and harder to use? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I long for Windows 95. That was good. But this garbage is useless. Thankfully my computer does not have the virus that is known as Windows 8. (It's a virus because it harms your computer!) Now if you'll excuse me, I want to play my game.com. That is my favorite handheld system. Even though its library is small, it sure has a lot of variety. Except it could use a pinball game or another puzzle game. I'm not all into sports, so I don't care that there's 0 sports titles on it. And someone desperately needs to make at least one homebrew thing for it. Other than that, it's cool. And it doesn't use Windows 8.


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The problem is that they're making systems that try to anticipate and think for you.


This is untenable because everyone thinks differently, and some of us might actually think to begin with!

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Unfortunately OSX (i.e. Mac) isn't a perfect answer either. I got my wife her first MacBook back in the "I'm a Mac. I'm a PC." days (yes, those ads were effective), which has now been supplemented by a 27" iMac. While many things are easier (or at least just as easy) as Windows, you can still hit the curses of "How the #%@# can I do what I want?" and "What the %$&*(#% is making it slow?" Plus you'll occasionally hit the Windows / IE only roadblocks. (The latter problem is partially alleviated by my Win7 netbook.)


Ahh for the days of DOS when you knew exactly what your PC was doing 'cause it only ran one thing at a time (plus a few TSRs). Of course, then there was the endless tweaking of config.sys & autoexec.bat to give that program enough of the right kinds of memory.

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