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Cruiz'in "The New Adventures of BUBSY"-September 2015



There is a new Bubsy in town, or so one site would have us believe. I call it "The NEW ADVENTURES OF BETSY", since the site we are talking about has Bubsy in a transgender angle. I say the site is not actually about Bubsy himself, but we'll get to that in a bit. In the meantime, here is the title image of our feature site!


Now throughout time we have seen many versions of Bubsy. As fans we have seen many ongoing stories of Bubsy from Pixel Chat, to Bubsy Returns, to the very creative Bubsy's Back! which was a creative game where Bubsy visits the James Turrell Retrospective.

It was in that very creative museum visit that I came to realize two things:
1) Bubsy, since we have had no updated game of the character since the 90's, tends to take on our own life mission statement.

Yeh this might sound somewhat crazy, but as we grow up, so does this this old mascot, this friend. I think over the years for a while I saw Bubsy as a underdog. Not a Sonic, not a Mario, but the worst mascot. Well, to quote Jack Sparrow, "The worst mascot remembered". :D

Bubsy as a Guide - My Own Story

For Bubsy along with myself I asked the question, can Bubsy, and myself as well, rise from obscurity to be something more?

Thought about writing a story once symbolizing my fall and climb out of a dark time in my life with Bubsy along side going through a similar experience. My depiction would have had him more as a Bobcat that somehow got caught up in a shirt. The Exclamation mark created by red clay that got on the shirt that kinda looked like an exclamation point. Towards the end of the story both Bubsy and I emerge from our realms of darkness and obscurity victorious. Still a fun story in my own mind, but I'll spare the rest of you. :D

The final answer I came to was, we were never great per se, but we were never totally obscure. With that I reveled in who I was going forward and Bubsy continues to enjoy his notoriety as an imfamous mascot.

Other Interpretations

For other interpretations like the James Turrell Retrospective I believe that person used Bubsy as a transition in life to reach beyond an addiction of video games in their life to the world beyond, like museums. Good for them.

And for the "New" Adventures of Bubsy, the author of that site seems to have used Bubsy as an embodiment of a transition in their life of going from a man to a woman. As I said, without an official Bubsy on the scene we have imagined in our own minds what Bubsy would be doing 20 years later.

Me personally, I think Bubsy is doing this twenty years later...


And with all the talk on the internet petitioning this...


Ahh common! You know you want Bubsy in Super Smash Brothers! But I digress, we have all as fans gone through challenges, and Bubsy became our mascot through those challenges. Maybe even as a bobcat a spirit guide/imaginary friend, etc.

As as we have gone through changes, so has Bubsy in our mind which segways to the next part....

2) Bubsy's many shapes and sizes. For the most part if you go through Deviant art and all through the internet you get basically Bubsy as he was in the games. This is completely fine with me. For the most part Bubsy is depicted as a looser, a has been, etc. To each their own. I prefer Bubsy being a bit obnoxious in that he wants to stroll off in new adventures with his devil may care attitude. I think I could relate to Bubsy because my Dad mentioned I proceeded with "reckless enthusiasm". I think that could apply to Bubsy.

I do think there comes a time when people completely forget what Bubsy was about or who he was, and my take on this is, this usually happens when someone thinks they ARE Bubsy. A few frightening examples are this:


So to their credit when the New Adventures of Bubsy took on Bubsy for their own gender changing life mission objective, at least they kept Bubsy as a Bobcat:


Yikes! Allow me to explain for a moment my "yikes".

Is it because Bubsy is a woman? Gotta admit, not crazy about that, but done right and in the character of Bubsy this can be a good thing:


Ok, what do I like about this cosplayer? Shirt in good repair, you never saw Bubsy in a dirty shirt. Full of energy, Bubsy had that going on. Generally has a pleasant look like despite all going great, and Bubsy is ready to take on the world. That to me is Bubsy. That is what the games portrayed, that is who Bubsy is.

This to me is not Bubsy:


Run down, mascara running on the face, all unkept. Granted and to be fair, Bubsy probably did not make the best looking guy, but as a woman at least she would have standards. Makeup in place, shirt in good repair. I've always pictured Bubsy trying for this in his appearance:


Luckily not being as lame as this:

So strikes the center in a basic but clean look:

Which to me is a bit closer to the Bubsy ads:

Ok and again, I photoshopped the beer into that picture, but the rest was the promotion on how to get one of Bubsy's shirts. Again, clean shirt, energetic smile, in overall good appearance. No matter what Bubsy runs into, smashes him, or whatever happens he works to remain with some dignity.

In truth there have been many other pictures of Bubsy in other haggard forms (as a drunkard, a has-been, basically ragged and homeless looking) and I didn't care for those either.

But people may ask "Doctor Clu what are you expecting? It's been 20 years, Bubsy might have aged a bit."

Pixel Chat aged Bubsy with some dignity and show continued dignity is possible.

So being a woman or not being a woman is not the issue here. Just don't care for the mascara running down the face, the haggard appearance, etc.

I'm looking over the New Adventures of Bubsy website and to it's credit the author, calling herself Bubsy, makes for some good fan direction. Maybe there are other transgenders out there that need a good mascot for their cause. A mascara running down, worn out T-Shirt, Slappy the Squirrel looking mascot. Yeh, I know a lot of transgender and Metro people, usually they are better looking than some regular women in appearance. But you know, Bubsy is the underdog right? Kinda has this vibe of "I'm this lame but I get up and keep going...so you can too" kind of spirit. Well, ok, that was not what Bubsy was shooting for in the games, but that is what the author of this site seems to be saying right?

Surfing around the page you get an explanation on why Bubsy is transgender:

"Sure, I’ll go ahead and post this. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG??
You know, the more I think about Bubsy being a transwoman, the more it makes sense. I mean, it explains perfectly why she sounds so different in Bubsy 3D (like a female trying but failing to sound male), and keeping in mind that…

I ain’t no magical rule 63 BS, I’m the real deal!"

No, for one you aren't Bubsy, he is a fictional character. Yes this is technically Rule 63, and so on. Or better yet, you are the jealous Aunt of Bubsy trying to BE Bubsy. Where do I get this? explanation coming right up! :D

Bubsy’s Brother and Bubsy’s Understudy

On one of the pages you get a fan theory that Bubsy has a brother. Now I will have to admit on this page you get an interesting tidbit that on the first Bubsy game when you play in two player mode you have the first player with a red exclamation point on the T-Shirt, and second player with a green exclamation point on the T-Shirt. An interesting theory is that this would be the father of the annoying twins. Interesting theory!

You could almost say this is a Mario and Luigi moment right? But there is one problem with that theory.

From the very start of Mario Brothers they established two separate characters: Mario and Luigi. And they were both on screen at the same time:


Here neither the game or manual establishes no other name but Bubsy. Make all the fan theory you want, it simply is not in the Bubsy material released by the game developers. Also both versions of Bubsy never share time on the screen. This tells me this is the same Bubsy.

But the site gave the "brother" a name. So I opened up all my copies of the first Bubsy game:

Looked over the "Bubsy 1 & 2" book. Then I looked over the "Bubsy Bobcat Totally Authorized Answer Book" and there is no mention of the name this website gives for the brother. There is mention of the two player mode however and says that as the second player you will get two exclamation marks by your score.

I fired up the Super NES put in Bubsy, played a two player game, and sure enough, the second player has a green exclamation point:

Hey now THAT was cool. And you know what this means? Bubsy has another shirt! That's right folks. You can be Bubsy, and to keep from getting confused as player one got the red version, and player two got the green version.

So there is no mention officially of a brother, but we learned a cool new bit of trivia about the gameplay itself. So thanks "New Adventures of Bubsy" site! :D

You read a bit further and here is where the site looses my regular support:

"Yep! Did you know that since Bubsy wasn’t around to do Fractured Furry Tales, they hired an impersonator to fill in for him?"

Oh noes! You didn't ditz the game that got me interested in the Bubsy franchise!

"Yes, Yellow Bubsy, otherwise known as WABUBSY! WEHEHEHEHE!! Oddly enough, normal Bubsy himself was able to be in the artwork of the game, but wasn’t able to be in the actual game itself."

Fan theory is fun, and then there are facts. Here on Atariage we've had the producer of the Fractured Furry Tales game stop in and actually comment about the development of that game. Awesome stuff. Here is what he said:

"RE: 1 hit kills...Since we were using the source code from Bubsy 1 we had to follow that framework. I think we upped the lives the player to make up for the 1 hit kills.

No idea why we went with the yellow exclamation point. (maybe a palette issue)"

And there you have it. Since the original source code was used from Bubsy 1 to start the development of Fractured Furry Tales, this is definitely the same Bubsy. If there is any Bubsy that is an impersonator, if any, it would be the Bubsy in Bubsy 3D (different code, animator, and voice actor.) Bubsy 3D is actually the basis, based on the voice actor not being Rob Paulson, for this whole transgender fan theory.

On a positive note, and thanks once again "New Adventures of Bubsy" site, pointing out the two player mode and the green exclamation point finally answered to me why the exclamation point on Fractured Furry Tales was yellow. There was code, depending on which player you were, changing the color. Since that code was not used in the Jaguar version, it just defaulted to a background yellow color. :D

But this site is going to deem Fractured Furry Tales an impersonator?


Using the reasoning of the website that slight variants of Bubsy must be a sibling or something I am going to run with that way of thinking.

I will make my own determination of this website. First off, this is not Bubsy. I mean look at all the changes, look at how unkept the character is. Obviously a different person right?

This is BETSY BOBCAT, Bubsy's older Aunt that wanted to cash in on Bubsy's .. I guess you could call it popularity. Or some other relative or an impersonator that did the transgender operation calling themselves Bubsy.

So let's correct the title for them...


There we go and you're welcome.

And now for a fun image of Bubsy's we have seen to date, I leave you with this as we wrap up this time around.

Be well till next time Bubsy fans. You too, Betsy. :D
-Doctor Clu

blogentry-4709-0-94004000-1441432657_thumb.png by toonicling of DeviantArt


Recommended Comments

:D Glad you got a good laugh of this article. I got a good laugh out of your fan theories.


Saw your response on your website. Still pretty far out fan theories. I've made my statement on your site, you've made your response to mine. Fair enough.


And you even added an updated footnote on your Bubsy brothers and understudies page. Nice!


Like I said, that page was where your fan theories lost my support. You present a vision of Bubsy that is radically different and yet Bubsy wearing so much as a different shirt must be someone else? How can you expect acceptance for your vision if you don't accept the vision of others?


For completeness I've made reference to your site for Bubsy fans to check out. You got good art, and again, thanks for pointing out the 2nd player mode in the first Bubsy game.


Finally, in response to my observations of a haggard appearance:

"Her design is this way to convey that she’s not well-off."


I'm sorry to hear that. As one Bubsy fan to another Bubsy fan I hope one day you will be.


-Doctor Clu

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"wearing so much as a different shirt must be someone else"

Again, you are oversimplifying it. As I've pointed out, there was a lot more to it than "different shirt, different person." Lemme explain it once again...


In Grubsy's case, it was to assign a sibling to Bubsy to explain Bubsy's relation to the twins, who were established as his niece and nephew. Right? So he has to have a sibling, right? So instead of making up someone entirely, just make a connection to a little-known feature in Bubsy 1. See how I'm doing this? I'm integrating facts about the games into the story. Wabubsy was a matter of the dev cycles of Bubsy 2 and 3 overlapping, and the fact the series is implied to be staged (I believe I explained that in the "Bubsy is transgender" theory and in my rebuttal).


And if the "different shirt, different person" rule I supposedly have is true, how come, according to my lore, the unlockable Snake Bubsy in Bubsy 3D is just an alter ego? I linked the post that explained it in the rebuttal and in the edit of that old theory post. You should have seen it by now.


And as you've pointed out, Modern!Bubsy is Bubsy 20 years in the future. She doesn't even fit in that equation, because she didn't exist until Classic!Bubsy grew up to be her. And in the future, Bubsy is no longer an actress because she was fired and her reputation was ruined, so the "everything was staged" thing I use to explain things in Classic!Bubsy's time frame (1992-1996) doesn't apply to Modern!Bubsy anymore. So it is absolutely established that they're the same person.

All I'm doing is connecting dots and filling in blanks, mate. It's not that far out. You just have to stop thinking of it in context of what the original devs intended. Because obviously it's not. It goes without saying. You'd have to be pretty gullible to believe it. Safe to say they would have never thought about pulling a Conker with Bubsy.


"How can you expect acceptance for your vision if you don't accept the vision of others?"

What are you even talking about? You were the one who called poppycock on me, not the other way around. I called you out on it and gave you a taste of your own medicine.


"I'm sorry to hear that. As one Bubsy fan to another Bubsy fan I hope one day you will be."

Are you doing the "I take roleplay literally" thing again? You do realise I'm not in character, right? Modern Bubsy's just a character, mate. It's what I added the entire Bubsy series up to using facts and observations, and filling in blanks where needed. It's not "I want Bubsy to be juuuuuust like me!" Where do you get the idea that everyone connects with Bubsy on a spiritual level? What is your basis for that? Some of us just think Bubsy's a cute, silly cartoon cat who had potential that was never utilized. That's all.


This is like talking to a brick wall.

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Agreed. That is simply because nothing has changed to make me say otherwise.


I realize Bubsy is a fictional character but then again I am not the one calling myself "Bubsy".


The transgender Bubsy not a bad character design for Bubsy. You're a good artist. Don't mind Bubsy looking older, I just think Bubsy would care more for his/her appearance. Was trying to wrap my head around the whole concept then I saw your stance on Fractured Furry Tales. (Posted April 11, 2015, long before this article).


Grubsy: not a bad fan theory. I know of lot of people have asked where the twins came from. Like I mentioned before in the Mario and Luigi comment, I would go with this theory more if they were referenced seperately or both shared screen time. But for fun this could go either way.


Different Shirt Different person rule/Snake Eyes: When I wrote my article you did consider Snake Eyes a different bobcat. You have changed your stance on that since with new information.


Like the second player fact I appreciate that you brought up Snake Eyes. I'm finding out more and more about Snake Eyes Bubsy, like the fact that you can possibly play with that appearance with a game code? May have to try that out.


Fractured Furry Tales: The often forgotten part of the Bubsy franchise since most don't seem to own an Atari Jaguar. If Bubsy was an impersonator in FFT then that actor is zippier and faster, perhaps slightly clumsier, than regular Bubsy. :D


But no, FFT was the part of the Bubsy franchise that introduced me to Bubsy and started my love for the character. So calling that part of the franchise "an impersonator" did not sit well with me.


(I had another segment here. Then I remembered in your last response the "Lemme explain", which I tuned in to listen. So rather than make this final, how about a "Lemme explain" of my own...)


You say development time overlapped and Bubsy couldn't be in both Bubsy 2 and FFT? You hear of a lot of times actors have been on two projects like Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future also working on Family Ties. Maybe that is what contributed to Bubsy's burn out? Michael J. Fox to use that example again was strung out and nearly a zombie off screen, but managed to come together while on screen. So for Bubsy nearly two years later Bubsy 3D is the final straw with the game's utter failure.


How does that sound for your Bubsy timeline?

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"I realize Bubsy is a fictional character but then again I am not the one calling myself "Bubsy"."
Again, where have I ever said that I, SqrlyJack, am Bubsy? I'm playing a character on that blog. Sulkysadbobcat, as I've told you a thousand times now, is a role play blog where people can ask Bubsy questions and read her ramblings. Quit taking it literally.


"I just think Bubsy would care more for his/her appearance."

At first she did, as you can see from the "A Beautiful Bub!" picture. But now it's the least of her worries, as she'd rather spend what little money she has on food, rent, booze, weed, keeping her privates clean, etc. Context is the name of the game.

"When I wrote my article you did consider Snake Eyes a different bobcat. You have changed your stance on that since with new information."
You sure about that? http://sqrlyjack.tumblr.com/post/124267712527/ive-been-thinking-about-tying-in-the-metal-gear
I'm pretty sure the date there, in that big, blue circle, says I made that post in July. But as I said, I don't blame you for not seeing it since I forgot to put it on sulkysad. However, the post still existed long before this article, therefore your point is still very much null.

"So calling that part of the franchise "an impersonator" did not sit well with me."

You know I wasn't making fun of FFT anymore than I was with the other Bubsy games. Hell, Bubsy 3D got the short end of the stick by wrecking Bubsy's mental health.


As for your counter claim to the FFT understudy, that's a good possibility. With that in mind it could go either way theory-wise. Though I'm still partial to Bubsy having a double, especially after the bit you pointed out with the game literally having the same coding as Bubsy 1. Now it's pretty much settled because of that. I mean, it's kinda funny to imagine they just handed Wabubsy an outdated script and they just stuck with it. "What do you mean Bubsy can take hits now?! Screw it, we're keeping the script." It fits in with the theme of powers-that-be making bad decisions, both in the story and real life. ahahaha


But hey, I think you're getting it. Good on ya.

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