(September 2015) Mike Berlyn, creator of Infocom & Bubsy games - UPDATE!
From Albert (who runs Atariage.com)
I received a note from Mike today,
"As of 9/11/2015, I am cancer free after 7 months of chemo and radiation therapy. Please post this information, and thank you for your kind words and well wishes.
Mike Berlyn"
This is too awesome. Mike, glad you are better, you had us worried there for a bit.
What was awesome was SpongeFox also sent me a message about it with a picture. She heard the news from here:
"...he pulled through and is alive and kicking! (Heard from) the first message at the very top.
Which looks like it was RobRendahl who posted a day ago the Good news on Mike Berlyn, relayed from Albert.
The word is getting around!
Keep it up Mike, just keep it up.
In the celebration picture above by SpongeFox.
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