....because I can....chase the chuckwagon!
This is a Chase the Chuckwagon sign. No real reason behind it, I have zero nostalgia with this game unless you count early collecting nostalgia. The gameplay on it does not tickle my fancy. I guess I just made it because I can? It's another sign that uses a lot of pieces, around 8 total I believe. I wanted to make the full purina logo in the background but the shape of the Dog made it look weird so I went with a 2/3 style background.
I suppose I could have tried the sitting dog style and gone with a 9 piece 3/3 background instead of a six piece 2/3 but the thought didn't cross my mind until now, oh well, lol...
One plus to this sign is my neighbor has one of these silly little dogs and he saw the sign on my garage, I do believe he now thinks I made the sign for him and his Dog. I guess the more neighbors that do not absolutely hate me the better, I'm not exactly the town favorite in my neighborhood
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