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More work on Frank the Fruit Fly yesterday. It took a while because I was trying to update v. 16a when I realized I should have been doing v. 16. Oh well, at least I figured out the problems with 16a and got a new 17 out of it. It took a few attempts to make a left wall at the left bathroom screen. Then I put in a sink. Then I realized the lowest part of the wall was flashing. This was because I simplified the erasing of the text to include the wall parts. So I had to change what each bathroom character says. This included naming each thing. Instead of saying "I am a toilet." it now says "I am toilet." Same goes for the bathtub and the sink. This works good. So I have decided to make the bathroom consist of 7 screens. 3x2 and on the middle of the lower portion, a 7th screen consisting of a boss battle for Fred the Flea. In order to get out of the bathroom, you have to pass Fred. You may lose some health, but if you do, and you go down the hall into the kitchen (level 2), you'll find a banana to regain some health back. In order to get to the Flea's screen, though, you'll need to find 2 coins in the bathroom. Mind you none of the lower screens are put in yet, so this is just me telling what I have planned. I was bored, so I started work on an NP-style write-up of the game, complete with the purple boxes at the top right corner of every other page like it was back in '94. I also did a few pages of a manual. When a game is done, I want to have a box made up of each game I make, along with a manual, even though there probably won't be a matching cartridge. Oh, and in case you're wondering why there's no music in the bathroom, it's because I haven't gotten that far yet. That will be the last thing I will work on in the bathroom.


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