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Strawberry Fields



I went to work again on the game. It took a long time to do what I wanted. I think the problem is the game kept crashing when I exited the first screen. I think it was due to me having too much code in the game. I am beginning to think that such a game might not be possible on the poor Channel F. I deleted some unneccessary code from the game. I got what I wanted, but the cranberry was moving at different speeds on different screens. Disgruntled, I went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning (Yes, I woke up at abut 6am and went to sleep at 8pm last night), and worked on it some more. i finally thought of a solution to my problem: Have the game draw everything, even the stuff not on the screen, at the same time. I think this turned out rather nicely.


This is Stan the strawberry. You can defeat Stan and move on (and by "on", I mean to the right side of the screen because that's where I left off.) I really wanted to get this part done, so I did. Now I don't know whether or not I should preceed with the game, since I don't have very much in now and the thing is struggling. By the way, I had to make the key blue since when it was white, it was changing hues depending on its y position for some reason. I don't know what that is about.

Stan was originally going to be red with white seeds, but I axed that idea since I was having trouble fitting the stuff I already have in the game. I bet I could program it, but I want to have room for more stuff.


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