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Stupid liars.



So I read on a couple of different websites that if you put in ?PB or ?DL as your name in the high score entry in Hydro Thunder, it unlocks all the tracks and boats. THIS IS WRONG. It doesn't unlock anything. I tried multiple times to do this in the Dreamcast version but it won't work. Why would they print this if it wasn't true? It just makes me angry.


You know what else makes me angry? Ants. They've discovered my bathroom. And they won't leave. It's stupid. Why be in there if there's no food in there?


At least I had some success today: I modified MidSpace to allow sound effects for the enemies firing. So it looks like I'll be playing the Atari 2600 then. I played my Switch trying to get decent Mario Kart 8 settings. All of them were either too hard or too easy.

  • Haha 1


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