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Math is hard. Math is especially hard if you don't have a full understanding of what you're programming for.

I tried to make GoSub for the Game Boy. I failed miserably. But out of that failure came a new game to work on. I call it "Nincompoops." You are Nincom Poop, and your job is to rescue the other magic poop that magically appear when the magic toilet flushes. This is what it looks like so far:


Literally, hours were spent trying to make the code just right so the poop couldn't move through the walls, and the magic poop could not spawn in the wall. This is the objective: touch the other poop. A new one will appear in a different position. Just like with Onion Ring of Fate for the Jaguar, I have no idea what to do with the game. And I have to limit the game size to 32k because I never did figure out GB bankswitching. I tried yesterday and failed again. You move in a Chip's Challenge sort of way. So it's basically a snake game, except the snake doesn't grow behind it. Because the snake doesn't grow behind itself, I can introduce enemies. I don't know how much room I have for different floor patterns, but I'm aiming for 20.


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