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Save the puppies on Intellivision



I made the title screen about a week ago, and this morning I worked on the actual game. Your career is puppy rescuer. Unfortunately, your town is in a crisis. It seems like it's being invaded by giant tarantulas. So, not wanting to lose your job, you decide to risk your life to save the cute adorable puppies.


The gif pretty much sums up all the activity on the screen since there's no sound yet. I figured since I was working on this for Game Boy, why not do a version in color? Not knowing how to program GBC, I decided to turn to the Intellivision, which has a similar 8x8 tile setup.


I worked on this for about 3 hours. I think I'll celebrate by playing some Intellivision later. I'm in the mode of staying up all night and sleeping all day. I've been trying to turn my life around, though: I went to sleep at 10 a.m. yesterday morning. I woke up at about 9 p.m. or so. It's funny that it's now 37 degrees, I have the window open, and I'm not cold. How does that work? Actually, I'm a little hot.


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