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Things I am waiting for.



  • My copy of Cosmic Carnage for the 32X.
  • My copy of Tempo for the 32X. I didn't care about the label condition, and I still had to pay $85 for it! I don't think my Tempo Jr. for the Game Gear cost that much.
  • A new 7800 power cord from this outfit called AtariGuide.


So I got back into my 32X as you can see. I am not going to attempt to rebuy Knuckles Chaotix and Kolibri because when I had them I didn't enjoy them very much (I will however, contemplate a Chaotix purchase if I see one the same price as the Tempo I bought.) I am putting off the new TV purchase until it refuses to display after its psychedelic displays. So I connected my Genesis and my cable wire to the TV, unplugging the cable wire occassionally to test my Odyssey² canoeing game.


I fixed my Odyssey² canoeing game so it runs once more. I had quite the angry coding session yesterday when I tried to make it work when I discovered it didn't work past getting 1 block. It kept crashing after 5 blocks for what seemed like no apparent reason. So I had to change it so that the enemy has to show up every 4 seconds instead of "randomly" picking a time. I guess that goes with the territory of Odyssey² programming. Level 5 is set in the Amazon river (on it?) The natives do not like people canoeing on the river so they're throwing deadly pointed spears at you to avoid.



I got a letter from my clinic saying my doctor isn't going to work there any more. I had to get a new doctor. They assigned me a Dr. Earl Lee. I could have had my pick, but I don't know anyone else there, so I just had them do it for me. It's a shame because he was real nice. I made an appointment for August 1 so I guess I'll meet him then.




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