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Yes, apples. It was about 3½ years ago that I had a dream about making apple-related crossword puzzles. Bored, I looked through my computer and found one that wasn't really stupid. So I assigned its clues to all begin with the letter a. I changed some really stupid words with better ones. But then I had a new problem arise: The size of the .pdf file was really huge. It was due to the apple picture I put in it. So I reduced the apple picture to have 20 colors and the apple image was now only 8kb. Much better.


So now I have done one monthly crossword that I attached below. Its apple-y theme is good, although the starting point of this puzzle was 6-down. I built the puzzle around it and thought up of a theme while doing so and incorporated it in. If I don't forget about this, I will make some more each month. Why make them if nobody will do them? To wait until I die, of course. I think I am about mid-life point. While being a kid was fun and all, I found that being an adult is stupid so since I can't be a kid any more, I just want life to end. I know that's sad, but I don't know what else to do. I guess all my projects are makework until I die. And you are here on this earth for a purpose: to put up with me. Although I can't for the life of me to figure out MY purpose in life. So I keep working on my projects.



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