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GoSub for Game boy - update for 6/3/2022



Last night I went to work on GoSub again. Last time I left it I couldn't get the octopi to stay within the boundaries of the screen. Well, I don't know how, but I think I finally fixed that. But a few more interesting things of note popped up.


One time, the game just crashed for no apparent reason. The screen went all white and nothing could be done. And another time, I had the game set to start on level 22. I played it to level 23 and it went back to the title screen like it was supposed to, but then when I went back to start on level 22 again, it had level 23's wall hit detection pattern, but level 22's wall design, which is really strange because the wall design and the hit detection pattern are the same. Seeing as how I've never had an issue when I tried the game on a real Game Boy, I think the problem is the emulator. I've blamed the emulator before, most recently with the Sega Master System. And I turned out to be correct because it played okay on the emulator and didn't work with a real Master System.


Seeing as how a finished game would not have gone back to the title screen after finishing level 23, I think I'll let that slide, but the crashing mid-game problem I have no idea why or how that could have happened, except for it being the emulator's fault. Perhaps I should switch Game Boy emulators? I'm using BGB now. I really want to at least finish the game since I put so much time and energy in it so far.


And then I went to sleep. I slept for about 15 hours. I went to sleep at about 3 a.m. and woke up at 6 p.m. I slept all day long. I was really really sleepy I guess. I still am. I bet if I went and laid down on my bed, I could fall asleep for another 15 hours.


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