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You Only Die Once



So I was looking through my code to see what changes I could make to make it apparently not crash or make weird buggy noises or anything. The only thing I could think of was I wasn't bankswitching at the correct times. So I changed when I was. That seems to make a huge difference.

With that solved, I designed a new level: level 25.


I had been noticing something weird all this time. Sometimes it felt like the lives counter wasn't working correctly and was taking off two lives instead of one sometimes when I died. Sure enough, I was correct. It was. So I looked through and changed the death code. After all the dying I've done trying to pass the new level I made, not once did it add 2 deaths instead of just 1. Apparently I made a hard level. That was not my intention. Of course, it is the halfway point of the game, so the levels should be getting harder as the game progresses though. I can only imagine how hard it would be if I put 3 octopi in the level.

I went to sleep at about 10 a.m. and woke up at about 10 p.m. Another 12 hours of my life gone just like that. I finally was unsleepy enough to get out of bed at around 11:30 p.m. So I did. Yesterday I played a bunch of Donkey Kong Land for Game Boy. My original intent was research. Figure out if some Game Boy games can tell the Super Game Boy which colors to use at start-up, and see if I could do a similar thing for GoSub. But I got into playing it and wouldn't you know it, even though I was sucking at it, a good amount of time was spent playing it. I did have to resort to use a Game Genie to defeat a level of the game I was having trouble with. If Nintendo didn't want us to use Game Genies, perhaps they should have made their games they made easier.


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