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Frank the fruit fly - 9/21/2022



I had a tough time yesterday. I couldn't get to sleep when I wanted to. Didn't actually fall asleep until after 3 p.m. I discovered when I'm half-asleep and, say, dreaming I'm playing the keyboard, my fingers actually move. Kind of odd.

Before I went to sleep, I made some great changes to Frank the Fruit Fly. I fixed all the stuff I was having trouble with.


I woke up at about 1 a.m. and went back to work improving what I already had to the game. I made it so at the screen with the wall with the buttons instead of the screen saying "right" when you press the button correctly, it plays a high beep. Pressing the wrong button plays a low beep. (You have to press the buttons in the correct order.) And for the final screen in level 1, where you need to unlock it, I made it so when you do unlock it, it plays a high beep. Before it just played a "munching"-like sound. I always wanted to go back and fix that, so I did this morning.


Now that I figured out how to do low and high beeps with the music still playing and not doing any weird pausing or anything, I can work on level 3. I've already got the background music ready to go and working good. I don't know if I want to do this later today or wait until tomorrow. I got kind of burned out with programming after the Odyssey² fiasco. But Game Boy programming is a lot easier since I can use C.


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