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The Game Boy doesn't have enough colors.



I know. I could make it for the Game Boy Color and have it be really colorful. But I'm not going to so people who don't have a Game Boy Color can play my game. The Atari 2600 even beats out the number of gray shades the Game Boy can produce. Ergo, a scene where, say, a pineapple sitting in the middle of the desert doesn't look as good as it could. This is the best I could do:


If the pineapple looks familiar, it's because it's the same one from the title screen of my Atari 7800 game "Pineapple". So far I have these fruits in the game:

  • banana
  • cherry
  • strawberry
  • pineapple


Here are some more fruit I want to put in the game:

  • apple
  • pear


Other than that, I can't really think of a fruit that has a distinctive shape and isn't just round. Can you? I don't feel good. I woke up this morning and thought "Why should I wake up?" So I took my pills and went back to sleep. Then I thought of Frank the Fruit Fly and how I'd like to finish it. And it's not going to finish itself, even though it should because I know how to. Also, while I need to think of a purpose in life, I need to think of Frank's purpose as well. Why are you guiding a fruit fly across the world?


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