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More Game Boy work



So I was having a lot of trouble with making the game know which tile Frank was on. Eventually I stumbled on the answer. I was using 8 bit variables. Their values go from 0-255. The y position of Frank in the equation I was using goes beyond 255. So I tried making the 8 bit variables be 16 instead. I didn't want to since their values go to way more than I needed. Too bad I can't use 9 bit variables. Well, that made it work. If only I had known this when I made GoSub.


I made some cacti. Frank must not touch the cacti to press the three buttons. Once Frank presses the buttons, he can move on to the next screen.

I have 38% room left in bank 3, but not sure what to do next in it. I want to have at least one more screen in it before moving on to level 4.


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