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Let it melt, let it melt, let it melt.



It finally snowed a couple of inches the night before last. Last night the power went out while i was in the bathroom. i thought "oh nooooo!" since I once went 6 days without power, but a few seconds later it came back on again. Right now there's still snow on the ground. Lots of it. The high got to be about 40 degrees, so some of it melted, but there is still some left to melt. It won't tonight since it's supposed to get below freezing.


I worked a ton on Robot Ron today. I got the fourth and final enemy in. I think I got all bugs fixed. I changed the types around to different numbers, which is important because I also changed it so you get more than one point per enemy shot if its type >1. This caused me to redo the scores a little bit so it still can't get above 9,999.

  1. type 1 is the chaser. It chases you. Since it does, it's the easiest enemy to kill.
  2. type 2 is the bouncer. It bounces around the screen. It's worth 2 points.
  3. type 3 is the wanderer. It wanders "randomly" around. It's worth 3 points.
  4. type 4 is the zoomer. It zooms quickly across the screen and if it gets to the side of the screen without being shot, a new enemy will be introduced. It's worth 4 points.

So the next thing to do is add the wave and game over intro screens.


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