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My thoughts on everything.

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The Best Game I Ever Made

I spent all day yesterday blowing my nose. Usually when I need to blow my nose, it's only just for a little while. I spent the whole day doing it. I had a really hard time trying to go to sleep. It let up a little beforehand, so that was nice. I took the opportunity to sleep. I woke up a few hours ago. I thought of going to sleep when curiosity got the best of me. You see, I wanted to know for sure if the level number in Tunnels of Terror displayed correctly. I bet I tested it before and approve

Work work work!

That seems to be what I yell when I am programming Odyssey 2 games. A minor change in bank 3 of Underwear ruined the whole game. So I had to figure out what was wrong. I changed one byte and the game wouldn't work any more on a real Odyssey 2. Eventually I got the game working again.   I added another maze to the game. I also simplified the maze grid drawing code. So I don't think I should have to make any more changes to bank 3, which is good because it's been a problem program part f


Ulysses Unger has a problem. Seems he got stuck inside a maze naked with killer umbrellas going around. I hate it when that happens. Fortunately there seems to be some underwear. Lots of it. Your job is to get the underwear without touching the umbrellas which end your game.   It took a long time to get to this point. Bank 2 was not working. I thought it was bank 3. So I deleted both in a fit of anger and went to sleep. I shouldn't have done that. Oh well. This game won't have the Ceda

It's finished.

So yesterday I worked on getting the ghost edible. And this morning I put in some remaining sound effects. And then I have it: It's all finished. Now we go through testing. Now I will reveal the final name I decided on naming it.   While I was bored, I began drawing a label for the game in case I was going to finish it. I didn't want to name it anything with "Pac" in it. I was thinking of something else when the name "The Horrible Ghosts of Uranus" popped into my head. So I drew a labe

Power dot

So the game urged me. "Chrisssss....wooooork on meeeeee". But I did just a little work. The most horrible part, the part I dread working on due to its complexity, still remains.   I put the power dot in the game. If Pac-man, er, Mr. Yellow, eats it, the ghost turns blue. When the ghost is about to turn back red, he'll blink white thrice, then turn back red. That was sort of simple. And I have about 700 bytes left to see if I can enable collision detection on the ghost. You'l

Ghost buster.

So I worked some more on Pac-Line. I fell asleep at about 3 or 4 a.m. unexpectedly and woke up at about 1 p.m. And then I went to work some more on it. I added the score and a ghost. I changed my lightbulb and tested version 4a on my Odyssey 2 and it works just fine. So now I will stop for a few days because I've been working on this a lot. I'll go back to working on some other project I have going on since I have way too many at the moment. I've reached the half-way point in space, b

Good news/bad news

First the bad news: The light bulb in my room finally burned out. It had been on constantly for the past at least 3 years. I got one of those special bulbs that last longer. And boy they sure do. I got a bunch of the light bulbs I need (hopefully they will work). I can't change it now because it's almost 11 p.m. and so it's really dark in the house. So I'll wait until morning so I can see better. Man it's dark in here.   Now the good news. I worked on Pac-Line last night. I started at

Brainstorming Paku Paku on the Odyssey²

So I've been wondering if I can make a halfway decent version of Paku Paku (a.k.a. "Pac-Line") on the Odyssey 2. If I were to do this, here's what I'd do: I'd use the 12 characters for the dots. Here's a time when I wished for 16 characters. Of course I could use the quads, but... I'd use quads for the score. Quads 0 and 1 for the score (8 characters), and Quads 2-3 spell out "Pac-Line" (also 8 characters.) I'd make Pac-Man be sprite 0, the ghost be sprite 1, and the power

Mind your qs

I tested the game yesterday last night. It had a whole bunch of issues on a real Odyssey 2 that I needed to fix. I spent two hours trying to get the score not to go wacko when the q wasn't on screen until I discovered I needed to set the Q y position when it's not on the screen. I haven't run into that problem before. I got rid of the steps sound last night, but I woke up today and just tried to get them back in. Success, except the Q sometimes disappears mid-screen. So I am going to turn it int

Mind your ps and qs

I came back to work on my Odyssey² game again. I was working on a version of Oranges only involving letters. You control the X and he must rescue the ps and avoid the os. Occassionally a Q comes up you don't have to get, but if you do get you get 20 points for it. This is all part of my X vs. O game I have been working on. I've used up about 1,400 of my available 2,048 bytes in the bank where this is located. Lucky for me, I'm pretty much almost done with it now that I've added the Q.

1 On 1 Soccer: bouncing around

So I thought that would be a simple thing, to make the ball stop when it hits a player. But it turned out to be a very long complicated process. I thought I was done at around 3 a.m., so I went to sleep. I didn't get up until about 2 p.m. I checked something on it and found I wasn't done. So I worked until about 6 p.m. fixing things. It's about 6 p.m. right now. It is so hot in here. It's 58 degrees right now. And what's worse I have a full head of hair.   NOW I am at a stopping point

1 On 1 Soccer

So I made a game called "1 On 1 Basketball" for the Odyssey 2. I felt like I should make a whole bunch of "1 on 1" Sports titles. Even though they already have been made. A while back I began work on a game called "1 on 1 Soccer." I gave up or quit working on it for some reason. Well, I got back to work on it today. I made it so that the longer you press fire the longer you'll kick the soccer ball.   I don't know if there is a soccer game like this yet for the Odyssey 2 or if they're a

Gimme a P!

So with my Game Gear game finished, I went back and resumed work on my X Vs. O game. I think the problem with my Game Gear programming is due to me not having good drawing capabilities. So I turned to real-life pictures. But I guess I didn't do very well with that. So I decided to turn to a console that you don't need a drawing skill to work on: The Odyssey 2.   I thought why not make the Os characters. I had it working but then I remembered that characters can't overlap each other. So

X vs. O - avoid-an-o

I tried to make it look better, but the computer was having none of it. It just gave me a blank screen after I attempted to put in the fancier screen drawing code. I tried moving stuff around. Nope. So I am forced to make it look like this: The next thing I need to do is add a score and some X's to help. The O's are to avoid and the X's are to touch. Imagine a semi-"Fast Food" clone. I wanted to redo Fatso since I have learned so much stuff since then (Fatso! was my first-ever Odyssey

X vs. O - the classic rivalry (part 5)

Decided to quit working on the Game Gear Hamburgers for a bit. This because I had an idea for the fourth and final game in X Vs. O. I had always wanted to redo Fatso! for the Odyssey 2. Now I think I will here. He can walk around. I don't know why I had to spend hours longer than I had anticipated just to get him walking around the screen, but I eventually got it the way I had wanted it to work. I don't want to go back and fix the Shoot-an-O game to put in the x-walking animation. So

X vs. O - bop-a-letter

I started work on the bop-a-letter game. I was having trouble with the randomness until I realized "Hey! I don't need to use the seed stuff in this bank!" So I didn't. I used instead the timer. And now it works good. There is still a lot of work to do, but it's a good beginning. I decided since the player is reaching for the 3 button on the console to not start the game right away. So an ACTION button press starts the game up. There are Os to bop and Xs to not bop. I need to make


More work this morning on X Vs. O. I was working on something else yesterday night and I looked at the clock only to discover it was almost 10 in the morning! So I went to sleep at about 11 last morning and woke up at around 11pm. Last night was spent trying to make the X vs. O game be sane. The reason for the insanity: I had put in to make the score be 0 since it was displaying garbage a long time ago. I fixed it and now everything (should be) working fine.   So I decided to work on t

X Vs O - art

Today I woke up. That is a real accomplishment. I went to bed at 2 p.m. and didn't get up until about 8 a.m. I could go back to sleep for a few more hours, too. So I got bored and drew a picture. It is an X shooting an O and the O shooting back. It is for my X Vs, O game. It probably won't be used or anything, but I was bored and decided to do it anyway. After a few modifications to the art after I drew and scanned it, it looks like this: One of the big problems I had was having

How to fix a bug.

So I found a rather nasty bug in X Vs. O: I had to spend about one hour total trying to figure out what could have caused it before I found the answer. The answer was whenever O was going into the lower right spot when there was an X already there, it did this. So I changed a "ret" to jmp to another bit of code and lo and behold, it worked. That was a dumb thing to happen. I hate it when it does stupid things when it's not my fault.   Also, I remember it doing this even befo

I slept through a thunderstorm.

So apparently there was a thunderstorm last night. I slept right through the entire thing. I woke up a few hours later at about 7:30 a.m. I had some really weird dreams last night.   I was wondering whether my SNES Game Genie was still working. So I tested it. It worked. So it also occured to me that I should get all the SNES games I had when I was a kid for some reason. So I purchased Bubsy off eBay to play with my Game Genie.   The stupid doctors office still hasn't called,

Fly idea

So now I have an idea for the fly game for Odyssey 2. I spent most of the morning programming it. I hit a rather nasty bug that turned out to be a "well duh!" moment once I realized what was happening. I have used up 1,671 bytes doing this so far which leaves me with a little over 300 bytes left to do stuff with (out of a possible 2,048 bytes total in the in-game bank). I have to put in a game over screen, and some logic that tells the game it should end. As well as a high score check, but that

Two flies.

I finally got two flies in the game after learning that three is impossible without major flickering and one is too much like my celery game. I still need to learn my fate about the ultrasound I went to yesterday. But I got two flies in my game and I got my RZone SuperScreen working, so that's good. I also decided to put in The Voice support for it. It says "Go!" at the beginning and "Gotcha!" when you swat a fly. But unfortunately, I can't test the game's Voice support on a real conso

Flies on Odyssey² (August 21, 2023)

I had a version working with three flies, but as I suspected, the Odyssey 2 could just not handle three flies without making the swatter flicker when it was near the top. So I deleted the two flies and made it a little better. It works on an Odyssey 2 since I tested it on it. Not very much color, is there? And when I was done discovering it only could handle one fly, it was time to go to the appointment.   I just got back from the ultrasound. They kept having me hold my breat

Flies on Odyssey² (August 20, 2023)

I added some stuff since a few days ago. I had to go to sleep with a broken game. I was asleep all day yesterday because I'm trying to change my life around so I'm awake all day and asleep all night like a normal person. My ultrasound is tomorrow at 7 a.m. so I can't eat anything past 11 p.m. tonight. Anyway, here are the changes I implemented. I fixed the scoring issue I was having (although I don't know how.) The faster you swat the fly, the more points you'll get. The score timer starts

Flies on Odyssey²

I have been working on this game since yesterday. I made a game like this with the 50-foot-tall stalk of celery, but I wanted to make a better one with more flies. I plan to put in three flies that move around the screen. The fly appears randomly on the screen but I just thought of something: It can't be that way for the bees or hornets. They'll have to start from the sides so they don't start where the player may be. I went to sleep at about 8 a.m. after giving up on it. I woke u
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