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Odyssey 2 work



Today I worked a lot. I worked on Odyssey 2 programming. I worked and worked and worked. I made it so it's technically a game. Which was really fast, even for me. I started work on it yesterday and by late today I have a game.


One thing I am wondering though is why when the umbrella is supposed to appear in a random place, and it does, but it never appears near the center of the screen. While I have tested the game a lot, not ONCE did the umbrella pop up in the middle of the screen. Weird.


The main gist of the game is to get the umbrellas while avoiding the jet plane. The jet plane moves around randomly. Some things to add:

  • levels. the level and maze to change when a certain number of umbrellas have been gotten.
  • making two jets appear on level 2, three on level 3, 4 on level 4, and 5 on level 5. Not 6 on level 6 because five will be the limit. I only have so many variables to track the character enemies.


I have around 1k of space left where the in-game data is stored, so I think I can fit that stuff in.


The high score counter works. The plane moves. The umbrella doesn't. Today I got another Lynx console in the mail. This one is a lot better working and I really like it.


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