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Level 10



Working on UUU for Odyssey 2 some more. Today's work was adding in level numbers. I had a really hard time wondering why it went from saying "level 09" to level "0:" instead of "level 10". I went back and looked at my code for Tunnels of Terror and found the answer: I was missing a key part of code:

	mov	r5,#0		; add 1 to score
	mov	r1,#level	; point to score low byte
	mov	a,@r1		; get current value
	add	a,r5		; add r5
	da	a		; decimal adjust
	mov	@r1,a		; store back

Since I was adding 1 to the level number elsewhere I tried deleting the adding of 1 by making it 0. It didn't work. It has to add 0 to r5 for some stupid reason. And so now it works. After you beat level 9 it says "level 10" like it is supposed to (and like it should in Tunnels of Terror.) I added a little intro for the level. Nothing interesting, just basically it saying "Level 01" against a black screen, kind of like what it does in "Super Mario Bros." for the NES.

I've decided to do baby steps for this game since I've been working on it way too much these past couple of days. So tomorrow night's work will involve attempting to add in a second enemy for level 2.


I went to sleep at about 5:30 a.m. and woke up at around 6:30 p.m. I guess I'm back to sleeping all day and being awake all night again. I worked on my Quiz Wiz Christmas cartridge until I got to question #101 and realized I just can't do it. I can't think of 900 more questions specificially relating to Christmas. I am wondering how the folks at Tiger thought up of all those questions for 60 cartridges. I guess they had help and not just one guy thinking up all the questions like I am. I guess I'll try some more later anyway because I have nothing else better to do. Just don't expect it to be done in time for Christmas 2023.


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