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UUU O2 cancelled



So I finally realized I couldn't use characters as enemies because they may overlap. I tried making the enemies sprites 1-3 and the guy be sprite 0 and the umbrella consist of characters, but while I got it semi-working, I realized it wasn't very good. So I've decided to cancel it.


I've been bothered by my toes lately. I looked between them multiple times, trying to find like a cut or something to be a reason why they would hurt sometimes, but I couldn't.


I played Donkey Kong Country last night. I wonder how I beat it as a kid. The save was still there so I used that and when I couldn't beat a stage, I'd just go to the next one. And I got to the industrial level before I gave up.


I just feel bored and tired as a whole. So I'm not doing very good. I got about 13 hours of sleep today. I went to sleep at about 7 a.m. and woke up at 7:30 p.m.


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