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I can't sleep. So I decided to look through my computer for stuff to do when I came across a comic book I drew 3 years ago of Stupidman. It was only legible because I replaced my horrible handwriting with text. I decided to put what I had on the internet to share with you all. In Issue 1 we had this stupid thing called Covid. So I drew a comic about an evil persistant little guy inspired by Mr. Mxyzptlk called Mr. Divoc.


So now I am going to attempt to sleep. But before I go to sleep now, I decided to begin work on a second issue which will be finished by August 1 (unless I forget about it completely.) In the second issue, Stupidman and his sidekick will battle an evil giant biscuit. Hopefully I'll remember a way I will get the biscuit defeated Ithought up of.


Good night (or good morning?)


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