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My thoughts on everything.

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So in the past few days, I was trying to put in five z's in a crossword puzzle. Nothing special. But when I was done, I had not 5, but 6 z's. And the puzzle was only 5x5 squares! Managed to make it hard seeing has how there are 6 z's, but hopefully still solvable. It's crossword #14 in my micro crosswords webpage. Like I said before, I was inspired by the mini crosswords the New York Times makes.   The flea infestation is growing. it seems like every ten minutes, there's at least a cou

eventful few hours

I woke up at about 10 p.m. Right now it's a little after 1 a.m. But already stuff has happened that I want to blog about.   I was working on micro crosswords (more on that later) when I needed to poop. Boy did I need to. But it was a large one that got stuck and it hurt. Eventually more came and dislodged it and it felt better. But lesson learned: Don't hold in poop when you don't need to.   Now for the micro crosswords part: I've been making these really small crosswords eve

My new monitor never came.

I ordered a new monitor because mine broke on Amazon yesterday and it said it would come today but it never did. I have been using the computer in my room since I discovered I could hook up my TV to my computer and use that like a monitor, but I have to look back and forth as I type and it's really dumb. It seems kind of suspicious it never came since a.) they told me it would come today, and b.) there's this huge warehouse just outside of town that I'm guessing would have stuff like that but I

My monitor broke.

I'm using the computer in the den right now because my monitor in my room broke. Which means I can't do anything on my computer until the monitor I ordered tomorrow comes, At least I hope it's the monitor. My computer should be okay since I turned it on and it stayed on, but nothing shows up on the monitor. I tried putting the working monitor cable in the den in my room and it didn't work, so it must be the monitor. All the monitor does now is flash a blue light. And of course I don't know what


I woke up at around midnight with a need to blow my nose. I've been up since. I tried to go to bed about an hour ago but I couldn't. And I've been blowing my nose periodically. I discovered something that the New York Times crosswords does daily: Mini crosswords. They're usually 5×5 crossword grids. I tried my hand at making a few "themed" ones (or as themed as a 5×5 crossword can get.)   So since I've apparently developed a cold or something, I don't really like to work hard on stuff.

I attached my TI 84+ to my computer!

I downloaded TI Connect, and it does all the things I wanted to do: Send programs to my TI84+, make screenshots, etc. Too bad that all the programs on ticalc.org don't work and have error messages. Mine don't.   I made this game four years ago and was somehow able to back it up back then. It's called "Plussy." The goal of Plussy is to see how many pluses you can create on the screen. Unfortunately, the evil asterisk goes around the screen and erases every + it touches. You m

My finger vein

There's a vein in my right hand pointer finger. I can feel it and see it. I can really feel it when I bend it. Hopefully all the bending I do on it when I type with it isn't hurting it any. Looking more closely, I can see lots of veins in my fingers, but the one vein in my right hand pointer finger is the most visible of them all. When you think about it, how intricate our bodies are, having evolved from one-celled organisms living in the sea, it's really amazing.   I want to resume wo

PayPal problems

So I bought something on eBay using PayPal. As it turns out, the purchase showed up on my bank statement. Why would this happen? I logged into my eBay, I ensured it was using PayPal (and not my bank) but my bank won't stop showing my PayPal purchases. Why?   Also, every single time I log into PayPal it has to send a stupid verification code to my phone before I can see my PayPal account info. Is there a way I can stop that? It's really stupid and annoying.

One more day

So I had to leave the bunny (and cat) alone for a couple of hours because I had a doctor's appointment. Turns out I'm fine. I needed some pills but the pharmacy wasn't open yet so I went to Wal-Mart to see if I could find some shirts I could fit into. Then I got some more food at the store and then I came home.   My sister is coming over tomorrow to pick up the rabbit. It would be a good change of pace for the rabbit, who has been stuck in my room for about a week now. I'd like to take

the "joys" of rabbit ownership.

When you have a pet, it changes things. Sure, I have and love my cat. But everything was okay. This is because cats are independent creatures and all they need is occasional food, water, and petting. Not so with rabbits.   Or at least with the one I was presented with. It likes to terrorize me in ways I couldn't even imagine. If this was my pet, I would have thrown in the towel and said "THIS IS IT. I CAN'T DO THIS ANY MORE." But I can't do that since its owner is in Idaho for vacation

My temporary rabbit

He is big. Sister came over and brought him. He's eating hay. The cage is huge. I had to clean a spot on my normally messy room to make room for it. I won't be able to plug my games in since the power cord is near the cage. I didn't realize how big the cage was going to be until it was in my room. Mom let the cat out of the bedroom (the cat is scared whenever anyone comes over besides us). So I promised myself not to work on any games because my yelling will scare the already scared rabbit. He's

Acid trip

So I was awakened by my stomach acid and its trip into my throat. This was a few hours ago. I tried the usual things: Drinking milk, eating food, anything to try to dissolve the acid. I took a Pepcid AC even though I usually take something like that one a day so I can swallow my food like a normal human and it's been working so good, I forgot I even had a problem with swallowing food. So after the pill, I took a cough drop at mom's suggestion. I wasn't so sure, but I tried it and it helped a lit

Salem is not Portland

I hate it here.   I just discovered my groceries were being delivered from some store location in Portland. For those who don't know, Portland is about 60 miles north of where I live. When I signed up, apparently they must have read my location as "Oh, Salem's close to Portland, so we'll just use Portland." WRONG. There are three store locations here in Salem. Why do that? I already have to watch local news from Portland since nobody wants to put (actually) local news on our 1 independ

Entry #5,000!

So here it is. The 5,000th entry of my blog. I started this blog in 2006 when I was 18 years younger. Time sure really flies by.   What's new? The high temperature has been hotter than 100° for the fourth day in a row now. We're "supposed" to have one more day of this before it "cools down" into the 90s. I went for a walk and I had to because I don't want to walk when it's dark outside and the middle of the night. It was 95 at about 8:30 p.m. when I went. But I got home.  

100°+ degree weather - day 2

I'd like to give whoever invented air conditioners a nice big hug.  Today it reached 103 for the second time. It's 90 now and a little after 8p.m.   Bored out of my mind, I went through garbage on my computer - various projects I never completed (it's like a landfill) when I came across some music. I think I'll make more. What I did was put together a whole bunch of different instruments and sounds to create a good-sounding (hopefully) albeit short song.   I tried putting app

Metal comics

So I decided to quit trying to freeze the stupid skin tag off because it's not working. I started this stuff about a week ago and I've used it every day. Mom saw something online about apple cider vinegar bandages to put on one's eyelid. So I'll try that. Even though it's not on my eyelid, it's directly under my eye, where the undereye bags are. Now you know how ugly I am.   Insomnia got me last night. Second night in a row. At around midnight, I thought perhaps it's not really insomni

Am I geting old?

I'm in my early 40s. Just saying that makes me feel so old. But lately I have been having a hard time understanding people. I hear them okay, but I just can't comprehend what they say. Is it because I'm getting old, or is it just people being dumb and just assume you'll automatically understand everything they say. This mostly happens on the internet. Like I'm reading comments to stuff I post, what I say, and I just don't get what they're saying. I haven't always had this problem. It's just like

yesterday's status update.

I was really angry that something wasn't working in one of my games. So I decided to give up. I woke up the next morning and remembered that I had done something similar before. So I went back and found out how I did what I was trying to do. And although I don't understand what I did and how it works, I got it to work here as well. Although it's not very pretty graphicswise, it does work, so I'll have to use it and do it that way.   Sometimes I get so angry that I just want to give up

Wombats Attacking Michigan.

Well, not really. I needed a name for my wacky font that was equally wacky. So I came up with that name. I may sumbit it to dafont.com but I doubt if I did it would go on their website because of my previous attempts were apparently dumb.   I'm surprised that even with all the pictures of letters I designed and put into the font making program it only got to be 39k in size. I was expecting it to be much much bigger. Haven't worked on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 today. I don't have an idea of

Oh my cod (trout)

I've decided to dabble in Colecovision programming now that there's a Basic for it. This is what I have so far. Yes, the name of the game is "I Sawed the Thawed Flawed Cod Fraud's Pod Wad." The back story: After being thawed, the flawed cod (who is actually a trout) swam downstream to a lake here. He brought along his favorite wad of pea pods, with which he plans to take over the world (and make everyone think he's a cod). You have to stop the cod fraud, but all you have is

1 is enough?

I just spent two hours failing to get a second enemy in. Everyone seems to want more enemies in Flying Hamburgers but every time I try to, I fail. So there's only one solution: Don't try any more. It's so frustrating. Why does programming have to be so mean and hard and STUPID? There will only be one enemy in the game at a time because I have to fail at everything and make nothing but crap games because I'm too stupid to make more complex games.   My arm just started hurting in a pecul

Pac-Line for Intellivision

So the past couple of days I began work on a version of Pac-Line for the Intellivision.   Yesterday my eye hurt really bad, yet I still went to the used game store. I walked out with Blues Brothers 2000 for the N64 because I didn't see anything else to catch my eye and I wanted to support. I saw the first issue of Nintendo Power in there. Too bad they wanted $200 for it! They also had some Fun Club News issues, the cheapest one being $40. And then I went to Popeye's and got some delici


For a while, I haven't been doing my comics, so the website was on a temporary pause. I'll be back at it again on April 7 and again on April 14. It makes me wonder how the cartoonists who do the comic strips think up new ideas over and over again for each day. Perhaps that's why Gary Larson quit. If you're doing a new strip each day, they can't all be good. I just drew, scanned, cleaned up and colored a couple of comic strips and if I think of any more, then that'll be great. But I've been doing

music to my ears (and probably no one else's)

For as long as I've been making music compositions, I've always used Anvil Studio. I thought I'd change things up a little and compose a new epic song using a program called "Aria Maestosa". It's similar in that you can place notes on a bar by clicking on it, but there are many other different changes I could use if I could understand them. One of the more frustrating options omitted is you can't change the key signature mid-song. I just spent 45 minutes trying to find a way but I couldn't. So I

stuff going on in my life.

I have been working on Pot o' Gold a lot today. I got so angry at it because I was trying to make the trees 2 tiles instead of just one. It kept repeating the sound of the tree getting over and over again. So when that was solved, I'm trying to use channel 3 for the takeaway of the trees. All I can get just now is a soft hiss. I'd like something more like a "pop!" type sound effect. I'll try to work on it some more when I get all the sprites in.   I wanted to continue making some mini
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