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Flies on Odyssey² (August 21, 2023)



I had a version working with three flies, but as I suspected, the Odyssey 2 could just not handle three flies without making the swatter flicker when it was near the top. So I deleted the two flies and made it a little better. It works on an Odyssey 2 since I tested it on it.


Not very much color, is there? And when I was done discovering it only could handle one fly, it was time to go to the appointment.


I just got back from the ultrasound. They kept having me hold my breath for a little bit and poked and prodded me with the thing. When I was at an angle where I could see the ultrasound, all I saw was a bunch of black and white stuff, like static on a TV. I couldn't discern anything. This went on for at least 45 minutes. When I was done it was about 8 a.m. I went to McDonalds and got an egg mcmuffin and two hash browns, and got thirsty and stopped at Subway and got a salad and water. So now all I have to do is wait for the results, which will come either later today or tomorrow. Since I woke up at about 10p.m. last night, I'll stay up a little longer.


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