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What I've been up to again



Yesterday I had an eye ache. I was pushing through, working on my game anyway until I felt the bloo magoo dance and I ran to the bathroom and threw up all my potato chips and pizza I ate that morning when my eye didn't hurt.


My room light is now behaving itself and not flickering any more. It never did burn out, but I don't know how much life it has left.


My computer is being an idiot and acting up. It likes to make me turn it off and back on again because it freezes. Or sometimes it just does it itself. I have all my current projects on back up on an SD card.


I still am experimenting with Super Game Boy color. Apparently I can only use SGB palette 0 for the sprites and the background, with other palettes 1-3 can only be used for the background. I can't figure out how to make it use palettes 1-3, so it's all 0 for now.


So now I'm wondering why there's a point to living if we just die at the end. I guess it's to spread good will to the other people who are wondering why there's a point to living if we just die at the end. I try. I make video games, I draw my little comic that no one reads. And why is there a point to the universe if one day the sun will supernova and kill all on earth? It will serve no purpose since there'll be no more life in it. I guess that's a question for astrophysicists and not me to be wondering.


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