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Ice came but it won't go



I woke up and there was a little bit of snow. Or perhaps it's ice that looks like snow. It's about 20 degrees right now and they're saying it will only get to 26 today. I'm in a deep freeze here. And the ice keeps falling. and it won't stop. We have a ton of ice around here. I've never seen anything like this: it being 20 degrees at almost 9 a.m. Perhaps if the electricity goes out I'll go take a walk around my street and see how bad it is.


It's pretty likely the electricity will go out, and I don't want to do this again. I just did this two years ago. And the lights flickered a little. So like I said, I may be gone for a while here. 17,000 people without power in the Portland area. The highs won't be above freezing until Tuesday. This is stupid.


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