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Flying Hamburgers (Colecovision) - Scrolling



So after working for a few hours, I finally got scrolling implemented. You can also move the burger around as well. The secret to doing that was putting all the code pertaining to movement in a gosub and then calling it during the scrolling part between if and next code. Pretty clever, huh? Plus, it doesn't even slow down the game any! The grass is whizzing by as the burger goes for a fly. For the boss level, I just plan to have one normal-sized milkshake act like a boss. But first I have to code a level. That will happen when I want to work on this next. I also coded a couple of changes to my iterations of Pac-Line on Odyssey² and Intellivision. So I've been busy.


I got up at around 10 a.m. after going to sleep at 9 p.m. I'd like to be awake more but sleepiness sets in really early and I have to go to sleep. Right now my left leg hurts, under the knee. It's really painful. It got up to around 90 degrees today so I had to turn the ac on.


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