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Screen #1



I woke up early at 8 p.m. with a bad case of acid reflux. Food didn't help, milk didn't help. What did help was a Pepcid. Which was odd because I take one every day so I can swallow my food without choking on it. So I've been working since about 10 p.m. What I'm doing is working on Frank the Fruit Fly 2. After a ton of work trying, I made it so it jumps to a different bank to start the game.


Frank's first jungle puzzle isn't really a puzzle. It's cross the spider web without touching the black widow spider. Touching the spider drains your health. What I've done is I made the health check in bank 0 when all the other banks go back to bank 0 since I'm making them ints instead of voids. So then I won't have to check the health every bank. Which isn't a big deal since it's like 4 lines of code. Oh well.


I really didn't want to wake up at 8 p.m. but by the time it died down I was wide awake and so I figured I might as well stay up. So I did.


The next thing to do is make a second screen and see if I can make it so if you press "continue" it will continue on screen 2 instead of starting on screen 1. I've done it before, but if I know my computer, I'll likely run into as many problems as I did working last night.


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