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I was sick as a dog yesterday. I had to sleep at about 2 p.m. I woke up about 12 hours later, and I felt much better. I continued work on Frank the Fruit Fly 2. I replaced the level # in the game to a paused message if you pause the game. Needless to say, I added pausing. I only have to do it once due to the way I'm coding this.


I was getting low on room in bank 0 so I moved some stuff to a newly-made bank 7. It freed up some room, but not as much as I had hoped. Since all I need to add in bank 0 is code to jump to different levels in different banks I haven't created yet, it should be OK. I should have enough room to do that.


By the way, the only reason I've been tinkering with stuff that isn't important is because I have no ideas for Frank to face in the jungle. Besides the spider. Since today is Hamburger day, I stopped at Burger King and got a burger and fries. They were very delicious. I urge you to celebrate National Burger Day today and eat the best food ever invented.


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