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Colecovision again - 5/31/2024



So my Colecovision SD cart came yesterday. After attempting for like a half-hour trying to put the SD cart in the hole, I actually did it. I turned on the Colecovision, loaded my game, and...











The game works, but it was really slooooow. I never realized how slow the game was looking at it on an emulator vs. playing it on a TV. So I sped the game up a lot. Doubled the speed and tried again. That was much better. I actually beat level 1, even with a crap controller I had. I realized I was losing lives a lot, so I enabled the nugget on level 1 to try to help.


So now what's next? Working on level 2, which what I want to do is make some pretzels (the enemy) move up and down as well as straight on. I'll begin work on that the next time I work on this. I spent all day yesterday working on something I ultimately had to end up giving up on.


I'm getting my groceries delivered from Kroger. I keep getting all these notifications that stuff I ordered weren't there. Isn't a grocery store supposed to have any food in it? So far they replaced my blackberries with organic ones and the Dole coleslaw is now Kroger brand coleslaw mix. And who knows what else they won't have. I know, first world problems, but it's beginning to look like we're not really in the first world here in the States any more.


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