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Game Boy>Playstation.



If only there was a way to release/play homebrew Playstation games on a real Playstation. About 9 years ago, I dabbled in PSX homebrew but gave up once I reached 2 conditions: 1.) Nobody will get to play my game on a real PSX and 2.) my computer died so I lost everything.


Since then I learned about SD cards and I've backed up the most important things (things I'm working on) on them.


Today got me back to Game Boy programming. I've discovered a way to reduce the loudness of my channels. I never was satisfied with the title screen and how the ping between changing options wasn't audible some times. I went into my tracker and discovered if I lowered the volume in the tracker it would also lower the volume in the game. Which is odd since there's registers having to do with channel volumes you can set.


So now I'm happy with the title screen. Everything is all beginning to come into shape for this game. Except for one thing: ideas for screens. I still just have two screens.


Why am I talking about Playstation, though? I found my PSOne I bought used and decided to see if it still works. Yes. So I ordered CTR for it. It only took a day to come. It pays to shop local I guess. It only had to travel about 60 or so miles to get here. CTR works as well. So again, I wish I could play homebrew Playstation games on my Playstation. Sony kind of sucked when it came to fighting piracy: They did it too much. At least I can program Game Boy games and easily play them on my Game Boy with an Everdrive cart after 30 years. And that is why Game Boy>Playstation.


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