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Seeing red



This just started happening a few days ago. When I wake up sometimes, everything I see as I lay there has a reddish tint to it. The walls look red to me. And then it goes away after a few minutes or so. I don't know if it's the sky being red (I wake up near sunrise), or if it's some medical condition. I guess this replaced me seeing the veins in my eyes when I wake up for a few minutes.


As it turned out, I found a bug in my Game Gear game. Since I had the dead enemies as shaketype 5, that meant the enemy's projectiles acted strange because I hadn't told them what to do if the shaketype is 5. They just acted as though it wasn't the milkshake. Which I guess was okay, unless it was the milkshake. So I had to make it so if shaketype was 4 (milkshake), make it a different explosion value (6) and then make 6 act the same as 5 and then I could control the enemy's projectiles that way. If it sounds hard, it is.


I'm also having trouble with this stupid UEFA Euro tournament taking my local news away. 1.) I don't like soccer. 2.) Thus, I don't care how well European teams do. How much longer is this going to go on? It also is taking the 3pm and 3:30pm airings of Family Feud away as well.


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