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Bugs amok



So I had been working on my Game Gear game. It seemed like once I fixed a bug, another one popped up. One of the more notable ones was this one that made the screen almost black.


But I think I fixed it all. One of the things I wanted to do was to make the "pow" visible after you hit the fiftieth enemy. I thought "Why risk it?" But then I thought if something goes wrong I can just go back to the previous version. But I think I fixed that as well, too. So now I'm up to version 116 of Flying Hamburgers, which I think is the most of anything I ever did.


I'll continue to test my game regularly and when I think it's ready I'll put it on the site. One of the things that could go wrong is I'd shoot the 50th enemy and nothing happens. It still goes. I don't know why this would happen.


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