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Game Gear screen



There's something wrong with my Game Gear screen. It displays some screens just fine, the contrast wheel works okay. But on some screens, it's just well, weird. Take this screen:


This is an emulator. But if I put this on my Game Gear, there's streaking vertical lines all across the sky, like it takes what's in the center of the screen and stretches it there. I've tried various sky colors but they all display that result. I redid the cave level to try and minimize my stupid Game Gear effect, but again to no avail.


I don't really want to spend about $200 to get a nicely recapped Game Gear. I'm wondering if the capacitors are the problem. If so, I could probably just send it somewhere to get it recapped?

Anyway, I must say the city looks more vibrant since I added grass and trees to it.


I'm sick of all the food I usually eat. I had spaghetti yesterday. If I could just eat spaghetti for the rest of my life I would be okay. With an occassional carton of blackberries (and don't forget bananas!) to top it all off. But I'd look really strange if I filled a shopping cart up with nothing but spaghetti noodles, jars of sauce, and tons of blackberry containers. I discovered I really like blackberries. I used to eat raspberries and blueberries as well, but I don't like them as much. So now it's just blackberries. And bananas.


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