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Chris's Casino update.



So I had this crazy idea. I wanted to see if I could make the game save the total amount of money you have. I worked and worked for hours on end and I finally got it done. But then I discovered an unrelated bug that made the keno game freeze. So then I had to work on that. If I didn't fix it, then it's luck that it hasn't shown up so far. I must have played 20 rounds of keno and it never froze. In order for this to work, the cartridge needs a battery. My Hyper Flash 32 has a battery, so whenever I get around to it, I'll test what I have on it.


I started putting bengay on my left hand because it started hurting a few days ago. It's not completely gone, but it is better. I woke up at about 2a.m. and laid there for an hour to see if I could go back to sleep because I was still sleepy. When it became 3a.m. it was clear I wasn't going back to sleep, so I got up.


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