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My thoughts on everything.

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The elbow bump fairy

I got a visit from the elbow bump fairy. She must have come while I was sleeping last night. She left me with a bump on my elbow. I tried pinching it. It got a little bit of blood out onto my fingernails. I think it's just filled with it. And it keeps reforming. I used to have them come on my butt. Why they would start forming on my elbow is just weird.   I worked some more on my Virtual Boy game. It's called "Minigame Mayhem." It's a collection of little games. Right now I'm working o

Virtual Boy stuff

Working on my Virtual Boy game Minigame Mayhem. I never did hook up the Jaguar or play it. I've been asleep all day. I finally dragged myself out of bed at around 3:30p.m. after going to bed at around 1 a.m. or so. This minigame is called "Wok This Way," and it's similar to a game I made earlier for the Channel F. And Odyssey 2 (Nice Ice). It involves Steve the Stir Fry Elf hopping around bok choy leaves in a wok. If Steve touches the bottom of the wok, the game ends. Unlike othe


atari2600land in Virtual Boy


Work continues on Minigame Mayhem after some time away from it. Decided that C is better than ASM, so I'm going to work on C some more. I use C to program for Virtual Boy. I couldn't sleep last night, so I made an image of Kablammo and put it on the PVB Discord server and went to sleep. I finally went to sleep around 1 or 2 or so. Woke up at about noon and worked some more on it.   There can only be four bombs on the screen at once. (Well, it could be more, but that would require more


atari2600land in Virtual Boy

Hearing red: Goshzilla

So I got the .wav to VB thing working and now I can put sounds in it. I also put a few things in last night. I also took my HyperFlash32 for a spin, it still works, but I've been having issues with it. My program works. Now I just need to find a use for it! Did anyone ever do that? This either?   In the Virtual Boy version of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland, I put in an auto pause function. About the sound: It's no longer beeps and boops, it sounds like


atari2600land in Virtual Boy

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