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Awful Waffles: the waffles!



The waffles have arrived! Coming from four different directions.


Our intrepid waffle hating guy is stuck in the waffle room avoiding waffles. His job is to get the pats of butter that pop up. Once he gets a certain amount, the level will end and...I don't know yet. I also made it so pressing down makes him duck.


Which he needs to do with all the waffles flying around.

It was really hard to make the pats of butter not get stuck in the walls. If one does, it will move up until it doesn't.


I also took some time to work on my Colecovision game. I searched eBay and bought a few games and went to sleep. When I woke up, I got an email from my bank telling me that I was low on money. What I didn't know is that PayPal was also taking money from my bank? I'm not entirely sure what's going on.


I also don't know why we can't seem to get mail. It happened about a month or so ago, when mail began being delivered later and later, sometimes at 6p.m...if he bothered to show up at all. I guess we got a new mailman who doesn't seem to want to go to work most days. It's really irritating checking the mail every hour not seeing my mail delivered. I got an email saying my package couldn't be delivered. WELL OF COURSE NOT BECAUSE MY DUMB MAILMAN CAN'T DO HIS JOB.


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