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My thoughts on everything.

Entries in this blog

The devil's workshop

They say "idle hands are the devil's workshop." I got bored again.   I'm not sure if I explored the possibility of porting Uncle Hairy's Nosehair to the Intellivision. If I already did, I lost it because I looked through all my INTV projects. The Secret Government Waffle Project was mysteriously AWOL. Perhaps the government hacked into my computer and removed it lol. Which is too bad because I wanted to see if I used Moonlight Sonata for it.   I spent about 90 minutes coding

Awful Waffles: Death

More work on Awful Waffles today. I finally made it so the guy doesn't go through the walls when he's falling. I added in death by waffle. Added in a life counter. I added a level intro screen. I made it so if you die while pressing fire, you need to depress it and then press it again to get back to playing (minus a life, of course). I redesigned the waffle. I worked a lot on this. I woke up at 2p.m. so I need to go to sleep right now since it's 11:30p.m. Or try to anyway. I don't kno

Awful Waffles: the waffles!

The waffles have arrived! Coming from four different directions. Our intrepid waffle hating guy is stuck in the waffle room avoiding waffles. His job is to get the pats of butter that pop up. Once he gets a certain amount, the level will end and...I don't know yet. I also made it so pressing down makes him duck. Which he needs to do with all the waffles flying around. It was really hard to make the pats of butter not get stuck in the walls. If one does, it will move up

Awful Waffles: test room 2

So I had to go through a whole bunch of garbage to get to this point. I still haven't managed to make the guy stay out of the blocks when he's falling down and touching one. What I wanted to do is make the guy's hands not touch the block above. But I can't so it will have to stay this way. At least I made it so the guy doesn't fall through the blocks when he's at the edge of one: I don't know why this has to be so HARD though. And there's rules I had to make for room design

Awful Waffles: test room

Work began on a test room. Much angry yelling, screaming and computer beating led to this: One thing I never did figure out is how to make it so the guy can jump and move horizontally as well. Apparently Mattel wanted to make it super-hard for programmers to do. But everything else, jumping onto the platform, falling off if a platform isn't under you, and banging your head if you jump into a wall above you, everything else seems to work okay. I tried adding gravity to all this, but it

The Secret Government Waffle Project 2: Awful Waffles!

I got bored. I thought of an idea: Have a Mario-like screen where the guy jumps around on blocks and stuff. But not have it scroll or anything. So as the guy is jumping around on blocks and stuff, he's also avoiding waffles being thrown by something off screen. Or perhaps I just need to go to bed. All I have done so far is a title screen for this possible game, complete with a short mysterious-sounding tune. This is for the Intellivision, in case you haven't seen the original Secret G

Stupid daytime.

I woke up at 6 p.m.  After about 15 hours of sleep. I don't want to sleep that much. But if I didn't need that much, wouldn't I wake up sooner and, better yet, not feel sleepy when I do? I got reminded of my Intellivision game I forgot called My History Teacher Ate Lemons. So I decided to return to work on it. Mainly bug fixes and minor tweaks to the options screen. I left off at level 3: a desert. I redesigned the heart. I doubt I could get any better than this, so I guess I'll keep i


atari2600land in Intellivision

Those evil waffles

Work resumes on SGWP2. I thought I was done for the day but I got bored again and put in a 6-digit score. It works fine but it uses 6 variables. I don't think I'll run out of variables, though. But it is a lot better than using one 16-bit variable and then having the score run out if the player reaches 65,535 points. If the player reaches 999,999 points here, it will stay at 999,999 points and not roll back to 0.   I ordered a Inty 3 off eBay yesterday since I got tired of th


atari2600land in Intellivision

Another "too bored" project.

I have no idea for a game for this title screen. Does anyone? I thought of the rhyming "awful waffle" and thought to myself "Hey! I made a video game about waffles. What if I were to combine the two?" I made some eerie title music to go with the screen.   Tomorrow is the big day. I have to go to the doctor's office and get a blood test and I'll have him look at the rash on my butt and ask him what it is and how can I get rid of it because I'm tired of having to put neosporin on it


So I worked a ton on Hamburgers for INTV, fixing stuff and adding stuff in. I think it's now time for the ending to be put in. I'll work on it the next time I come back to this. Maybe later today (it's about noon now) or maybe tomorrow.   I've also been working on making another chrisword puzzle. Now I have two. I actually finished it then realized I didn't like it. So I amended it. I like it, except it uses the word "cymene." Which while nobody knows what it is, is still a word. So wi
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