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Stupidman: Episode 2



So I was in the bathroom reading late NES issues of Nintendo Power. I was reminiscing when I thought to myself that I taught myself how to make NES games! Why don't I make another one? So I started work on Stupidman 2 for the NES.


I figure if Mega Man can have 6 games on the NES, then Stupidman should be able to at least have more than one. The title screen plays "Yes, We Have No Bananas." Pressing start on the title screen gets you to the intro to Act 1, where the plot is described.


My head hurts so I need to stop working for now. Unfortunately, I can't color a very good banana since the NES doesn't seem to have very good yellow hues. I think I've written myself in a corner though since I don't know what to do next. The way I figure it is bananas are actually alien creatures that we eat because they taste good. How we got them is that one fell from a UFO a long time ago and they began to spread. New species of banana emerged through its mutation through the years. So now since we eat them, one day every banana left has had it with being eaten so they teleported themselves back to their home planet. I need to figure out how to convey all that in the game, though.


I've also decided not to work on anything for a few days this August. My niece has decided to go on vacation with my sister and nephew. So I guess I'm the only one that can take care of the niece's pet rabbit. I figure this would be real stressful for the poor rabbit, and my yelling and screaming at the stupid computer would terrify it even more. So I won't yell and scream, the only way to make sure I don't is not to work on any project. I already have to leave it alone a few times since I have to go to the doctor's office a few times, once for a blood test, and the other an appointment to talk about the results of it.


It's almost 9p.m. and I didn't get any mail today. I was expecting a package, but I guess it won't come today since our dumb mailman figures he can't work every day. That has to be it: He just take random days off for no good reason and of course I'll never know for sure since there's no way to find out.


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