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Stupidman 2: main menu



So I worked a little bit on Stupidman 2. Stupidman gets beamed up onto a spaceship where he's presented with four doors.


I was thinking about the Mega Man games and how you could choose the order in which you complete levels. I thought I should at least try to do something similar.

But now thinking about it, since I cannot seem to go backwards in my game code. For example, when it's in part 6, if I direct it to part 0's code (the title screen), the game crashes. So I guess I'll make it so it's like the Front Door in Super Mario World where you choose two rooms: 1-4 and then 5-8. Only in this game, I'll have 4 levels, so it would be 1-4, then 5-8, then 9-12 and then 13-16. Hopefully I can fit in 16 designed levels, if not I'll have to learn bankswitching on the NES, something I've never done before. I think I'll reduce the number of available levels to 3, so 1-3, then 4-6, then 7-9 and 10-12.

I redesigned Stupidman a little bit. I think he looks a lot better, What say you? His head uses sprite palette 0 and the rest of him uses sprite palette 1. Each palette only has 3 colors and transparency.


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