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Flying Hamburgers 120



I went back to Game Gear programming after I saw I had a few bugs I needed to take care of.

  • I changed level 6, which was originally a city, to a jungle:output-3.png.bbabf689561c2cc561cd34f532968fd6.png
  • I made it so if you touch an enemy it doesn't randomly give you an extra life. This one was weird, and the bug that prompted all the changes.
  • Got rid of the flashing life counter at the game over screen.
  • Made the tree bark on level 7's palm trees lighter.
  • Made it so if you shoot a POW explosion it doesn't go away. (Another weird bug I just happened to find.)


While I was working on this, an alert came on the TV. It was a muffled voice and I couldn't understand what it was saying. So I looked it up, and apparently there was an earthquake off the Oregon Coast. Why I would need to care I don't know. I'm like 60 miles inland. If you're going to interrupt my music, I'd better be able to understand what you're trying to tell me if it's such a big deal. Oh well.


Another thing I was pondering is why Sega thought it would just be perfectly fine to bring outdated tech to a handheld it was making then. The Game Gear is basically a Sega Master System, but small enough to hold in your hands. I think this is partly the reason for its demise: Nintendo brought almost all new tech to its handheld and so it was all new stuff to the masses. But then again, I don't know why the Lynx failed.


Yet another thing I was pondering: The purpose of chamber music. If a chamber pot was something to pee in, would the purpose of chamber music be to listen to it while you're peeing? And if so, how would it be performed? You go behind a shade while the band is playing and do your business? I like to listen to some music when I'm in the bathroom for a while. But that's 300 years later.


And technology: Just think, even just 50 years ago, almost nothing we use every day was here. No personal computer, no video games, no cell phones. No internet. Why and how did technology ramp up to the point where we have all the stuff we have now but not 50 years ago? Something to think about.


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